Chapter 12

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Stiles' POV
we ate the entire cake, it was great! Izzy was in love with it! After it was gone, Izzy curled against my stomach and fell asleep, the cover was lifted up by Derek, he whispered" hey babe." I whispered" hi!" He just shook his head, and looked at Izzy, he said" alright, let's get the 2 of you outta there." He reached in for Izzy, grabbing her lightly and picked her up, I crawled out, and stood next to Boyd, he said" that's Izzy?" I said" yep." He smiled, Izzy was startled by the movement and woke up, she jumped from Derek's arms and got into a fighting stance, Derek said" it's just me, Izzy." She shook her head and closed her eyes, she opened them and looked at Derek, she said" der! It was you!" He laughed at her, and she walked over to me, and Boyd, she smiled at Boyd, he smiled at her, suddenly the doors swing open and Isaac ran in and skidded to a stop, in front of Boyd, they both tackled each other in a hug. Scott and the rest of the pack came in, I pulled Izzy up in my arms, as she flinched at everything. Everyone looked at Boyd then tackling him and Isaac, Boyd had gone away for a little. Everyone missed him. After everyone settled down, I put Izzy down, she crawled around. And kept crawling around till she found a spot on the couch, where Everyone was piled up, we're about to watch a movie. She's cuddled up with Allison, it's adorable. She's just snuggled up. The movie starts and we start eating and having fun, Izzy was moving everywhere. She started with Allison, moved to Boyd, the Isaac and Scott then Liam and Mason now she's with me and Derek, in Wolf form curled up at my neck. I'm containing my chuckles as she moves around trying to get comfy. All of a sudden, she falls off the back of the couch, she whines, I look behind me to see her on the floor, wagging her tail, I said" hi, whatcha doing?" She whined, pawing at me, I picked her up and put her on my chest again, she avoided the edge and stayed still.
After the movie was over, she was already asleep. Everyone went home.
I wake up, next to Derek and Izzy, I see Izzy was on Derek's stomach, I smiled and got up. I started making breakfast, I heard Derek say" Izzy, get up, pup." Izzy whines, I silently laugh, Derek said" Izzy, puppy, come on." I walked in to see Derek shifted into his full wolf, he looked at me, before nudging at Izzy's wolf body, I smiled and watched them, She slowly woke up, to see Derek. She barked, and whined, pawing at Derek, I laughed, then walked out, after a minute, Derek walked back in, shirtless, and Izzy walked in with his shirt on. I laughed at them.
Izzy's POV
Stiles fixed food. Yay! Once we were done eating. Stiles had to leave for something, so did Derek, they are trying to figure out who I'm gonna go with.
Stiles POV
I had to go to school, Derek had to go do something with that pack. I don't know who gonna keep Izzy. She's totally not going with him. But she can't go with me, either. I called Boyd, hopefully he hasn't signed up for school yet. He answered, he said" hey Stiles." His voice was groggy, I said" are you going to school?" He said" no, I'm gonna sign up today, and go tomorrow." I said" could you come over and watch Izzy? I have to go to school, Derek has to go deal with this other rival pack." He said" sure, I'll be over in a few." I said" thanks, I owe you." He said" no problem." Then hung up. I smiled and looked at Izzy, I said" hey, Boyd's gonna Come over and hang out with you." She nodded, and continued trying to get Derek to play with her, I watched in amusement. Derek finally gave in and chased her around, she ran to me, jumping on to my back.
Once Boyd came, we left.

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