Chapter 8

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Jalen in the media


I was on the floor crying my eyes out. He was still playing like.

"You can quit now. You not fooling nobody."

I was steady crying then he realized that I was playing. He threw his self over to me and the worst thing happened...... this nigga landed on my broken wrist.

"GET UP!!!" I yelled still crying

By this time, Suriya, Shay, Slim, and Jalen was downstairs. Kyron and Justice are not here

"What did you do?" Suriya said pulling s switchblade out and pointing it at Aaron

"What happened?" Shay said coming towards me

"I went to the bathroom, and when I came back I flicked water in his face. I ran downstairs cause he was chasing me. I hid behind Kyron, then Kyron left. Aaron basically caught me and threw me by my wrist across the room." I said telling what happened

Suriya sliced at Aarons chest.

"So... this was yo fault?" Slim said

"Kinda, but I did not put my hands on him, once" I said glaring at Slim

"Ecxactly!!" Surya said grazing Aarons arm

"Stop Suriya, don't stab him anymore. Plus who's fault it is don't matter we need to get them both to the hospital. He gone bleed to death and her wrist is broken. So let's go!!" Shay said

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