"Hmm... This is a tough decision. I'll have to go with... Marcel." Jacob said and I ended up being picked last... Again.

"Giamini you're last pick. Go ahead and make your way to Team Carter." Coach told me and I walked slowly to Aaron's group.

"Any day now Athena." Ysa mockingly said making the entire class laugh.

The ball was placed in the middle and once coach whistled everyone ran and got their balls. I didn't bother running because I would probably trip and fall face first. I saw that Aaron and Hunter each had one ball and on the other team Ysa, Jacob and Marcel held a ball.

Marcel threw his first and one of the other guys on my team caught it making Marcel first out. Next Aaron aimed his ball at Jacob but he easily avoided it and he threw his ball towards one person on my team sending her out. Ysa started rolling the ball in her hands and then she threw it towards me but I didn't feel it hit me.

I lifted my head and saw Aaron walking off the court with an 'oh well' look on his face. Did he block me? Did he take the ball for me? Why did he do that?

I looked at Ysa and I saw how annoyed she was that Aaron was out. She got another ball and threw it at me but I ran away from it.

As the game went on Ysa eventually got me out and Jacob's team won. "Congratulations Team Tiamoro you did well." Coach said and they high fived each other.

All of us made our way to the locker rooms to shower and clean ourselves up. After my first week in this school I made it a tradition to put my clothes out of my locker before I shower so that I don't have to rush when I'm finished.

I then got my shower bag and walked to one of the cubicles so that I could shower and clean myself because in all reality even if you don't do anything you still sweat in that gymnasium. I showered as fast as possible so that I could beat Ysa who takes really long showers.

As I left the shower room with my towel wrapped around me and my underwear on as well I could hear giggling from a far. I have studied here long enough to know who the owners of those laughs are.

What have they done this time? I rushed towards my locker and saw that my clothes were gone. What? Who could've- Urgh! Ysa. Why? What have I ever done to her?

I quietly made my way towards the exit while making sure that my towel was secure. I looked left and right and I walked out trying to find my clothes.

Suddenly a bright flash blinded me and I could hear laughing. I recognized the laugh as James' laugh. As my eyesight cleared I could see Kaila holding my clothes in her hand.

"Looking for these?" She mockingly said.

"Well guess what, you can't have them." Patrice obnoxiously said and Kaila threw my clothes in the dumpster.

I had no time to comment since everyone started laughing loudly and that's when I realized that all I had covering me was my towel.

I ran as fast as I could towards the girls' locker room and once there I closed the door and crumbled to the ground crying my eyes out. It's always them. I have reason to believe that they have a goal to ruin my life forever.

"Athena." There goes that deep velvety voice that always seems to catch me off guard at times like this.

"What do you want?" I asked him rudely. You can't blame me. His friends just threw my clothes in the dumpster.

"Hey I had nothing to do with that prank." He said and he kneeled down in front of me.

"And so?" I asked him seeing how what he previously said had no connection to my situation right now.

Two Faces of the Moonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें