"Mr. Terrell?" A soft voice startled me out of my previous thoughts.
My head felt like a huge weight as I pulled it up to look at the female nurse calling Jordan's name.
"I understand that your are Y/n's guardian?"
He nodded his head.
"She's/he's out of surgery, as of now she's/he's officially going to the recovery room. He's/she's finally stable, but the doctors want to keep her/him here for a few more days, possibly a week, to make sure she/he stays that way."
"Is it possible to see him/her?" I asked.
"And you are...?"
"George. A friend." I said quickly.
The nurse shook her head, "not at this moment I'm afraid. I'll get the doctor to get you when he's done."
"Okay.." I exhaled.
Just as she turned to walk away, Matt spoke. "What exactly happened?"
"I'm.. Not sure." The nurse regretfully shook her head. "But I'm sure the doctor will be able to answer any of your questions." With that, she left.
I looked over at Matt. He is so pale. He isn't taking this well. Not in the slightest. "It's going to be alright." I patted his knee.
He let out a frustrated groan and looked away. "This waiting is ridiculous."
"It sure is." I smiled.
"Which one of you is Mr. Terrell?" A male voice boomed. Most likely the doctor.
I automatically pointed to the right of me where Jordan sat.
"Alright. So Miss/Mr. L/n, has pulled through surgery and seems to be responding quite well. Her/his body is healing remarkably. This one is definitely a fighter." The doctor was smiling, but quickly replaced by a frown as he announced the next piece of news. "Unfortunately though.. Her/his friend didn't have the same luck. She/he died in surgery. There was a very low chance of him/her surviving the surgery in the beginning, mostly from taking the brute the accident, but also because of internal bleeding that we didn't catch in time."
I ran a hand through my hair.
"Can we see him/her now?" Danny squeaked.
The doctor looked sceptical. "All six of you?"
"Well yeah." I answered.
"Immediate family only." The doctor sadly shook his head.
"That's bullshit!" Matt yelled.
"Shush." I said and rubbed his back to calm him.
"You can go instead of me." Offered Jordan.
"Not if he's going." He scorned.
I guess him and Danny still aren't on speaking terms.
"I'll take Danny's spot." I said and shot Danny a quick look before he could say anything.
"Follow me then." The doctor said.
"So, what did happen?" Matt asked his previous question again. "The nurse wouldn't tell us."
"Cause she didn't know," I added.
The doctor breathed out, carefully choosing his words. "They both had trace amount of alcohol in their systems and some cocaine. It appears that the driver accelerated before the intersection, either for the thrill of it or because they were in a rush, we're not exactly sure. The person in the other vehicle was on their cell phone and didn't notice the car until it was too late."
"Oh shit.." If it's even possible, Matt paled even more.
I slid to a dead holt in the doorway of the hospital room, causing Matthew to run into me. A gasp of shock slipped out of my mouth. What I saw, was  something I never want to remember. Y/n was almost unrecognizable. If it wasn't for the hair, I wouldn't have believed it was Y/n.
The right side of his/her face, including the eye, was completely swollen. On the top right of his/her forehead, right before the hair line, was a huge bump, accompanied with two butterfly bandages on the top of it, containing a small, but slightly, deep cut. An ugly bruise turning a threateningly dark purple, gradually getting lighter as it progressed nearly three inches from the point of impact. Two gashes now marred the left side of his/her face. One half an inch from the earlobe, going about an inch and a half diagonally towards the chin. The second going the same way, but on the lip instead. Y/n's right arm held by a sling, holding it snugly against his/her chest.
"Shit.." I breathed.
"What is it?" Matt asked wearily, while trying to peak over my shoulder.
"I don't think you should see this Matt, especially not in the state you are in."
"I don't give a shit. I need to see." Matt growled, easily pushing pasted me in my shocked state. He abruptly stopped when his eyes landed on Y/n.
"Oh fuck..." His words barely came out as a whisper.
He ran over to the side of the bed and grabbed Y/n's left hand. "Oh Y/n..... I'm so fucking sorry." Matt sobbed. "I didn't think this would happen. I didn't think... I didn't think at all..." Matt then buried his face in the crevice of his/her neck.
I turned to the doctor, "so, what's the damage?"
The doctor took out his clip board and flipped through a few pages. "Well, it appears that Mr/Miss L/n has a few abrasions scattered around his/her body from the windshield breaking, the ones on his/her face is from a stray piece of metal and upon impact with the dashboard. Three broken ribs. A punctured lung from the way the 5th rib broke, which is what we took care of with the surgery, a dislocated shoulder, and head trauma. Most of it's worse than it looks, for example the bruising on the forehead. That's actually a good sign, it means the fracture is healing. But I would like to keep him/her for at least a week to make sure there's no permanent damage."
"Do you think he/she could have any brain damage?" I asked.
"With this type of injury, it is a possibility. But, from the way he's/she's healing, the chances could be slim to none."
I let out a breath of relief, one I didn't know I was holding in.
"So he'll/she'll pull through, right?" Matt practically demanded.
"I have high hopes that he/she will. Tomorrow, all of you guys can come in and see him/her. But now, he/she needs rest."
"I want to stay here.. With Y/n. I owe him/her that." Matt whispered.
"Matt..." I sighed, "Y/n'll still be here tomorrow."
"How do you know that for sure? What if Y/n dies tonight, without me beside him/her... Afraid that I hate him/her.."
"He's/She's stable." The doctor stated. "I'll personally call you if anything comes up."
"See? Everything will be alright. Now come on." I said as I put an arm over his shoulder, pulling him towards the door. Matthew reluctantly followed, but didn't protest against it.
"Thank you." I smiled at the doctor.
He gave a curt nod, and with that, we left.

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