Chapter One: The Beginning of a New Kind of Hell

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{UNEDITED! Read at your own risk}

        Chapter One: The Beginning of a New Kind Of Hell

I had shot a hole in my fathers heart three months ago and he was still bleeding.

It seemed like the breakup hurt him more than me at times, this morning being one of them. I rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen. No, I wasn't excited for the first day of school, it was just that any chance to escape the hellhole that was my private life was a great one.

My mother smiled viciously  at me as I sat down at the kitchen table. She had been absolutely thrilled when he and I had broken up. It meant that she got to fuck him whenever my father wasn't around and not possibly break my heart if I ever found them. She wouldn't have cared if I caught them anyways, she knew my father would always believe her version of any story. I grabbed a slice of toast from the dish in the middle of the table and calmly spread some peanut butter on it, fighting back my growing want to glare and scream at my "mother".

       I said "good morning" to my father, not even glancing at the absolutely wretched woman sitting next to him who he was somehow in love with and who had a hand on the lower part of his chest that was moving lower down now...

       "G'morning" my father replied pleasantly, smiling at me as he sipped his coffee and as I averted my eyes. I stared at him for a moment longer as I wondered why such a good man like him had to have a wife like he did. My father looked at me expectantly, indicating he had just asked me a question.

       "Sorry, but what did you ask?"

        "Have you and Simon gotten back together yet?" He asked hopefully while I flinched slightly at the mention of his name. My poor father actually thought that Simon and I were getting back together, that I would end up marrying his "golden" boy who was absolutely anything but golden. "Might've ended that way if-"

        I shook my head, pushing away the horrid thought that made my blood curdle. "No dad, we haven't" I replied. He nodded his head and looked back down at his newspaper hurriedly. But not fast enough for me to not see the utter disappointment that shone in his eyes. I felt bad, I really did, but there was no way I was getting back with Simon after what he had done.

       I took a deep breath and began speaking once more. "You see dad, the reason why is-"

No, I can't. I can't ruin his life even more.

       "Don't you have to be getting to school now? Don't want to be late for the first day of school at your new school now do we daughter?" My mother said, sickeningly sweet as she stared at me, daring me to tell my father what had happened between her and my ex-boyfriend. I didn't know know why I didn't just rat the fat old rooster out. I guess I had just wanted my family to be together and not broken apart like so many other families I knew about. Though I had constantly asked myself again and again if being "together" was what we were right then. We certainly didn't act like one, big, happy, normal family and I wondered if keeping a secret as big as that one from my own father was the best choice.

           Of course it wasn't, but I wasn't known for making the right choices.

          "Of course not mother" I replied, grabbing my slice of toast and walking towards the door. "Good-bye dad." I called out from behind me as I walked through the door. I had a good fifteen minutes before school actually started, but leaving now meant not having to watch my mother wrap my father around her pinkie and remind him how his daughter had somehow messed up a beautiful relationship with his golden boy. It disgusted me how easily she could wrap him so tight around her finger.

          I chewed on my slice of toast as I walked to school because I didn't have a car. My father was still trying to pay back the money my mother used on her endless shopping sprees. Besides, I definitely didn't need one for I had just about no social life.

         But I was fine with it, completely and utterly fine.
         I walked through the halls of the prestigious Westbrook High, where the rich and lazy sent their kids for the morning and most of the afternoon. My mother was not at all rich, God knew her entire wardrobe was bought with my father's money, and most definitely lazy. The only reason I was here was because my father's brother, better known as Uncle Rick, was the principal here.

        I looked around, wondering which door was 35C. Where was my campus map? And the bright, cheerful girl who was supposed to pop out of nowhere and become my new best friend? This wasn't at all like the books made it sound like it was supposed to be. But, then again, real life usually never sounded like the books.

        As I continued my search for the great and mysterious room 35C, I heard a stifled cry. Searching for the cry I walked a little bit faster until I found a scene that was absolutely repulsive. Three boys were pushing and slamming a tall, lean, and somewhat muscular  boy against a locker and glaring at him with pure hate. The scene was so inhumane and repulsive that I almost thought I was reading a book instead of looking at it in real life. Who did these boys think they were?

           "Get the Tartarus away from him" (Authors note: There is A LOT of Greek mythology stuff in this book. I would take it out, but I'm too proud to. XD )I said, gritting my teeth. I reached to help the poor boy up when one of the horrid monsters grabbed my hand instead.

           "You have no business here cupcake. So just run back to your little clique of glitter obsessed girls with a strange choice of vocabulary." He said, smirking at me. If he didn't wipe that smirk off his face right now I would kick it off for him.

           I pulled my arm back. "Get the Hades away from him you bastard. And you don't like my choice of vocabulary? Makes sense, because it's the choice of vocabulary used by actually smart people." I spat. I looked around, half-expecting there to be a crowd, but instead there was a stream of people hurriedly walking away so they wouldn't get involved.

"Look, this is the last warning I'm giving you before you get seriously hurt. Just walk away."

"This is the last warning I'm giving you before I nail your dick, the small thing it is, where your confidence is and you become a derp unicorn. Trust me, it'll hurt." I said right back, not at all going to "just walk away."

He glared at me as he said "You little-" but he was abruptly cut off.

         "What is going on here?" A voice interrupted.

The voice of my uncle Rick cut him off.Otherwise known as the principal of Westbrook High.


And that's a wrap!
Whoop! I actually did it. I'm quite proud of myself right now.

Any who's, if you see any grammatical errors or any other errors in my story at anytime, feel free to politely comment them and I'll correct them ASAP.
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Whale, I'll see you guys later. (Yes, I did that on purpoise)
Ciao for now my narwhals,

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