The beating of a Lifetime .

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This is going to be graphic and may be offensive to some. If you can read this please skip it. I don't want you to stop reading. Just skip this chapter.
:) thank you!

I'm so dead. Goodbye cruel world. Hopefully he does it quickly.
I sat in the office waiting. Colton had calmed me down enough for me to go back and said to accept it no matter what as it all get better. Pssht what does he know.
I was twirling my finger in my hair and biting my lip while looking at my lap when I felt like a pair of eyes were staring through me. He is here. I didn't even need to look back but I did and I regretted it. He's drunk. Uh oh.
I went to him and pulled him into a hug to tell him I'm sorry and please don't hurt me.
" You brought this on yourself Clarissa. Get your ass in the car. Give me 5 minutes. And I'll deal with you when we get home." He whispered angrily into my ear making me shake. I nodded and obeyed.
I'm done for.
I won't graduate. I won't get my first real kiss. I won't fall in love. I won't have any kids. I won't be getting married. I won't be able to make my mother proud.
I was so in thought, I hadn't noticed I made it to the car. I quickly got into the passenger seat and buckled up. I sat there for only a few minutes before I heard the door open and close. I flinched when I heard him start talking.
"So you like hitting people in school huh?" He grabbed my chin roughly making me look at him. I shook my head no. He just laughed. Wait. Laughed? Uh oh.
"Well obviously I have disciplined you enough as the principal said. I will show you how not to hit ever again. I don't have the time to come to your pathetic school." He shook his head with a creepy grin on his face.
I'm so scared Mom.
I started crying silently. Wiping my tears while looking out the window.
Pulling into our driveway my father looked in my direction.
" oh stop your crying. You had this coming." He got out and walked to my door. I opened it slowly and he helped me out, yanking my arm roughly. I yelped. He pulled me close,
"Get inside. Now." I quickly nodded and ran to the steps. Slowing my pace, I glanced back at my neighbourhood, it is a beautiful area to live. Going to miss it. I felt an arm around my neck.
It tightened. He didn't even wait until we got in . He messed up my hair, making it look like he was joking around with me when he was actually choking me. I felt darkness take me over. I awoke to cold water being splashed in my face. I screeched.
"Finally you're awake. Let's get started." Was all he said before making me stand up. My legs wobbled but I caught myself with a table beside me. I tried again and looked around, where is he? I started shaking. I'm so cold. I looked down. I'm completely naked. How long was I out? Out of the darkness came a laugh. He is taunting me! He is the predator and I'm the prey. I walk backwards until I felt the cold basement wall. I haven't been down here in 6 years..
"Dad please. I'm sorry please don't do this. Please no don't do this!" I choked out feeling parched. He walked out of the darkness and looked at me. I know this look. He isn't going to give me any sympathy.
He was now right in front of me as I had been holding myself with my arms . He punched me in the head. Hard. I fell to the ground, not bothering to stand up again, he ties up my hands with rope and lifted me to the hook that was hanging from the ceiling. I just hung there. Taking each blow as it was a regular thing. My father just stopped and stared at me . I knew I looked horrible. I started having blood come from my mouth, spitting it out onto the ground. I look down at my chest that was already forming bruises everywhere.
"Guess I use you as a punching bag too much. You are used to the punches. Time to start something new." His smile he gave me told me everything I needed to know. Walking away from me, I heard some metal clunking together. His tools. I'm fucked.
I hear him start laughing.
"I'm glad your scared. I'm going to have so much fun with you! Make sure you don't ever want to go back to the school but I'll force you to go." He came towards me with a screwdriver and grabbed my chin hard, forcing me to look up at him. " and if you ever tell a soul about this, " he leans in, " I'll kill you like I did your mother." I felt a sudden pain in my stomach.

He pulled away as I looked down and saw blood pouring out onto my leg. I winced at the pain I felt. I kept my head down as he grabbed another tool. Why me? Why did he have to be my father? I want my mom. Mom I miss you ! I watched his feet come closer and closer to me.
"Time for a little game. You cry and beg for me to stop, even once. I'll slice you twice for it. If you stay quiet and let me do my work. I'll stop and you can go shower." I tensed up and nodded my head. Do your worst to me father. I won't show you I'm weak. Even though I know I am.

A/N :: I want to let you guys know this was really hard to write. I have never experienced such tragedies and I would wish this on no one. I didn't cry and just didn't know how to make him torture her without going into too much detail. The next chapter will let you guys know what he did to her.

Thanks for all the voting and commenting !

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