•mr. park• (jimin/s)

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HI I'M BACK WITH ANOTHER SMUT! i legit should call this book bts smuts bc honestly half of the stories are smuts lmao

okay i'll stop talking

Enjoy xx


Mr. Park (Jimin/Smut)


If there was one thing I could only say to this situation, it would only be that two lettered word and nothing else.

I crossed my arms and blatantly glared at Jiyeon, my co-worker and the only bestfriend I have in this building I've been working for 3 years.

"I know you think he's hot, (Y/N)."

Yes, if being an asshole was hot for me. Unfortunately, it wasn't.

"Can you stop? He's too far up his ass to look hot, Jiyeon. So no, never will I go to that arrogant's cave."

I was about to stand up to get a new glass of coffee for the nth time, until she abruptly kneeled in front of me, her tightly clasped hands leaning on my thighs to stop me from moving an inch. I choked on my own breath at her sudden attack, but her protests immediately drown out my complaints.

"(Y/N), Please?" She took both of my hands under her fingers and squeezed it, while I shook my head in front of her in disbelief. "Pretty please?"

"There is no way I'm going to meet up inside that bastard's house."

You're probably asking why I'm so conspicuously furious at this arrogant ass, right?

Well, let me tell you one thing, he is the one and only reason why this 32 story building is the most suffocating, tear jerking, hell writhed place I have ever stepped on. Ever since I was approved and hired to work in this organization, that bitch of a boss had treated me like dog shit since day one. I didn't have any clue if he was aware that I am an actual human being in this vicinity, not a miracle worker machine that could literally handle everything and anything it was given. Call me a complainer, a whiner, I don't care at all. If you were in my place, I'm absolutely sure you'll protest as much as I do, or more if you aren't used to people ordering you around.

I'm actually surprised that I haven't gone insane after staying awake for two days in a row because of 132 pages—back to back—of paperwork he gave me. Doesn't he know that I actually have a life? Or that there's six more employees here that literally just sits their big lazy asses on their desks, chilling and shit all day? While I'm here relying on coffee to forget about sleep, desperately trying to stop myself from ripping my hair off of my scalp.

Oh, Mr. Park Jimin, you surely love me very much. (Note the sarcasm.)

"Look, I know he's really a bitch and I was assigned to do this but I swear to god if I don't sleep tonight I'm legit going to claw my eyes out."

"Fuck off Ji Yeon, I haven't slept in two days so shut the hell up. And besides, that's your last task for him, just fucking do it alright?"

"I can't interview someone!" She exclaimed. "I'm an awkward human being that turns into a broken recorder if someone talks to me."

"Well, you're talking really well right now."

"Aish, of course except when I'm talking to you. You're my bestfriend! And as my nice, generous, intelligent, sociable and absolutely gorgeous bestfriend, please just fucking help me!"

My palms went straight to my entire face before looking at her face in disbelief. Yes, I do know how to socialize more than her, but that's not the point! She was the one assigned to handle with that arrogant ass, not me.

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