Chicago Book Sighing

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We woke up to Phils alarm again. I yawned. Dan was already up surprisingly. I got up, went to the bathroom to change. I put on black jeans, a Fall Out Boy shirt and again, Dan's Attack on Titan jumper, Once everyone else was ready, we went to Starbucks for breakfast I had a white chocolate hot chocolate, Phil had a ginger bread coffee, and Dan got a regular hot chocolate. We all got breakfast sandwiches. We chilled around Starbucks before we went to the book signing. I pretty much stayed off to the side so I won't get that much attention. a couple people wanted to get selfies with me. they were really nice. We were half way done. Dan and Phil were taking  break. We were talking about how crazy it is. Then, I saw a familiar face walk in to the book store. IT WAS RYAN!! HE saw me and came over to me. "RYAN!?!" I pretty much screamed but you could barely hear it because of how loud it was. I ran over to him and hugged him. He hugged me back. "how?" I asked. "Your dad notified me about you here so I made my mom drive us up here so I could meet you." Ryan explained. I looked back at Dan and Phil. they're both smiling, Dan looking a bit like an overprotective father, while Phil winked at me signaling that it was his idea. "one second" I said to Ryan. I went over to Dan and Phil.

"Did you do this?" I asked. "yea. you wanted to meet him" Phil said. "if he hurts you in anyway.. I will destroy him" Dan said. "calm down Dan...." Phil said. I went back to where Ryan was. we talked for a bit and walked around the book store. Once the signing was over, Ryan, His mom, Dan, Phil and I were the last ones to leave. Dan went into the car because he was cold because it was snowing out and so he could pull the car up front as well. Ryan's mother was driving the car up to the book store because she parked so far away. so the only people outside was Phil, Ryan, and I. "So..I guess this is goodbye" I said. "yeah....I had fun meeting you" Ryan said. "Same here. It was really fun. Thanks for coming" I said awkwardly. there was an awkward moment of silence. Then, Ryan kissed me! i could hear Phil in the background go awwwww. he quickly pulled back. "is I'm so sor" he said. I cut him off and kissed him. I could see that Phil got a picture. I didn't mention though. "I think I love you" Ryan said. "I think I love you too." I replied. Then Ryan's mom pulled up. Ryan left. and it was just Phil and I now. I ran over and hugged Phil. "thank you so much" I said with tears of joy. "your welcome you two are so cute" Phil replied. 5 minutes later Dan pulled up and we got in the car, we went to the hotel and I went to bed. The next day, we were headed to LA.

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