31. Insecuritites

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"I hate myself," You murmured as you sunk to the ground, your head in your hands. You knew you weren't good enough for Michael as it was. People constantly telling you that just made you feel completely worse. "You do?" A sad voice asked you from the doorway. You looked up at Michael, but as soon as you met his sorrow-filled gaze, you had to look away. You didn't like him pitying you. You always liked being known as relatively strong, and the way he was looking at you now made you feel awful. "Just... right now," You sighed, gripping your phone in your hand. He knelt down beside you and gently pried your fingers away from the cellular . He kissed your hand before looking up at you. "(Y/n), I don't ever want you to feel that way about yourself." He said. "When you feel that way... it's like... I feel the hurt. It's like you're insulting me, when you say those things about yourself, because I love you so much... I can't bear to see you torn up over these stupid... comments." He said quietly, his hand on your cheek. "You're so beautiful to me," He whispered as he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.


You pushed your food away from you and looked down at your stomach. You'd never thought yourself fat, really. You had learned how to love yourself, no matter what shape you were. But, dating Calum had made you realize that maybe you weren't as beautiful as you thought. Of course, Calum told you regularly that you were exceptionally stunning, but some of the fans and reporters thought differently. "I think I might go on a diet," You informed Calum one night as you sat at the , picking through take-out food. He looked up at you, confused. "Why would you do that?" He asked. "I just think I eat too much," You replied, looking down at your plate. "(Y/n)," Calum started. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met, eating habits and all." He said. "Maybe I want to do this," You sighed. "If you do, that's fantastic. I won't stop you. But if you actually don't, and you just feel insecure, I want you to know that I love you no matter how you look, no matter what you weigh. If you're changing something because of me, I want you to stop it right now, because the girl I fell in love with is right there," he stopped and gestured to you. "And she couldn't look more amazing."


You couldn't go without looking in the mirror anymore. Dating had many, many perks, but now you couldn't go around anyone without them criticizing your looks. You checked your hair once more and finger-combed it before looking away. You looked into the window of a car as you passed; making sure nothing had been messed up within two seconds. "Why are you so jumpy today?" Ashton asked you, holding your hand tightly. "No reason," You said. "You've been looking into, like, every reflective surface there is, (y/n). What's up?" He said with concern in his voice. You heaved a small sigh. "It's just; I never think I look good enough now. I'm always standing next to you in comparison, and it makes me look horrible, because, no matter what, you always seem to look good." You complained, your eyes tearing up slightly. He stopped to look at you, putting both hands on your shoulders. "(Y/n), listen to me, okay? I don't know where you've been getting these silly ideas, but let me tell you that you are the most amazing, wonderful, talented, and extremely beautiful girl I've ever known. You're not ugly at all. In fact, you're the furthest thing from it. I'm so, so lucky to be dating you. Any one who says otherwise can answer to me." He smiled down at you, kissing you softly.


You were smiling as you climbed into the car with Luke, but as soon as you sat, your smile quickly faded. You looked down at your thighs, now spread out over the seat. You knew that it was muscle, but you couldn't help but notice how completely unattractive it looked. You had thought it would be a good idea to wear shorts to LA, but apparently not for you. You shifted uncomfortably, moving your legs up so that they were no longer splayed across the seat. "(Y/n), is that really comfortable?" Luke asked you a little while later, noticing your awkward position. Your feet were hovering off the ground slightly, and your hands were under your thighs. You nodded, but he shot you a look at pressed your legs down to the seat gently. "What's wrong?" He asked you softly. "Look at my legs," You said. "What about them?" He asked, after staring at them for an exceptional amount of time. "They're ugly! They flatten out when I sit and I hate it!" You shouted, tears burning your eyes. "Hey, hey," He said in a , taking your hand in his. "Your legs are absolutely perfect, believe me. I mean, they're..." he trailed off, distracted by your bare legs once more. You giggled, wiping a tear away. Luke gulped and looked up at you sheepishly. "I love you, okay?"  

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