Chapter 1- Rainie

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["I love you, Rainie," he said softly.
"I love you, too A-" my reply was cut off by his lips on mine. Our lips fit together perfectly. His hands moved from my waist to my hips,but before the kiss could deepen at all, he pulled away. "Wake up Rainie."]

I jumped up from my deep, peaceful slumber. Nyx was standing above me, her usual confused look decorated her pale face. "Why were you kissing your pillow?" her confused look quickly changed to one of knowingness (is that even a word? Well, it is now.), "You we're dreaming about Ashley Purdy again, weren't you?" I simply smirked.
"At least I don't stay up all night looking at pictures of Andy Biersack shirtless." She threw her fluffy Batman pillow at me. She groaned, "C'mon. We have to get going or we'll miss the concert!" Oh crap. I forgot.

AN: Sorry for the short chapter

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