The Move

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     A boy was carrying a medium-sized box up the front door stairs of his house with a slight grimace on his face, but a man, presumably his father, quickly snatched it from his hold. "(Y/n), just go inside and rest. I know your ankle is still hurting from before." The man spoke with concern as the boy, named (Y/n), nodded and went inside. It was true. His ankle was still slightly sprained from packing up his room the week before. He had just finished packing up when his cat walked under him and tripped him, causing him to fall down half a short flight of stairs. Luckily, he doesn't get hurt easily and only had a sprained ankle and bruised rib as a result of it. 

      He plopped down on the couch and closed his eyes, listening to the sound of movement and the rustle of leaves from outside. The soft sway of tree-leaves, bushes and grass in the wind filling his ears. Just slightly louder than that was the shuffle of his dad carrying boxes into the house. It wasn't long before he fell asleep. Hours later, when he woke up, it was night out already. His father must have tried to wake him but couldn't; as evident by the blanket on him. This surprised him a bit. It's pretty unusual for that to happen considering he's a pretty light sleeper, but he shrugged it off. Maybe the move had taken a bigger toll on him than he originally thought. 

       He stood up an stretched, earning a few pleasing pops as he did so. (Y/n) went to his new room, still limping slightly from his sprained ankle, and grabbed a pair of clothes. "I really need to take a shower." He thought. With that thought in mind, he spent the next half hour in the bathroom. Once he was done with his greatly needed shower, (Y/n) walked back downstairs and began putting stuff in a bag he pulled from one of his boxes. He grabbed a flashlight, a bottle of water, his phone and headphones,  and a jacket. Putting on the jacket and stuffing his phone in his jacket pocket, he wrote a note for his father to tell where he was going and walked out; backpack in hand.

                  -(Y/n)'s p.o.v-
      I walked out of the house, not before writing a note for Dad saying where I was going of course, and headed off to go explore the woods around our house. Our new home was huge compared to the old one, and the was at least 2 miles of forest around it in every direction. Why this house was on the market for 5 years before Dad and I was beyond me. The woods were pretty amazing, honestly, and I was happy to live in them. Wildlife had always sparked my interest when I was younger, so this is like a gold-mine to my inner child. I had been walking for about 30 minutes, blasting Mama by My Chemical Romance through my earbuds when I began to feel a splitting headache wash over me. I closed my eyes in a sharp grimace and held my hands to my head. Static took over the noise produced by my headphones as the headache turned to a raging migraine. It was as the pain seemed to come to a peak that the feeling of being lifted reached my rattled mind. 

((Updated 7/21/2019 - 8:13a.m.))

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