Helia~The Great Witch~ Part 1

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Helia~The Great Witch~ Part 1 

Talon Pov

Marcos is losing his mind. When they returned from the horrible visit with Maximus they discovered Seb had escaped. Let’s just say Marcos wasn’t too happy about that.

"How could this have happened?!" Marcos bellowed at one of the scared looking human guards

"I-I don't know sir" the human stuttered back. Talon was trying to hide his amusement as he stood behind Marcos in his office.

In Talons eyes this is all Marcos's fault. He was too relaxed with Ana and she escaped. Then he left Seb alone with human guards. The amount of training Seb had those guards didn't stand a chance.

Too bad he couldn’t tell Marcos this.

Talon looked back up in time to see Marcos drop the man’s body lifelessly to the ground. He had drained him of all his blood.

"The situation is out of control!" Marcos yelled punching a hole in the wall. Maybe for you. Talon thought. He knew Seb’s leaving gave him a bonus kill. How he couldn't wait to rip him and that girl apart.

"I believe you should continue the search for the girl and I'll find Seb" Talon suggested. He knew well that Seb was in Mercy Falls because that's where Ana would have gone. Another secret he kept from his master.

"The last scent of the girl was in Seattle. I'll start there. When you find Seb bring him to me. I want to kill him myself" Marcos said black eyes filled with rage.

 Talon nodded in acceptance but knew he wouldn't obey his master. As soon as Marcos leaves for Seattle, Talon will leave for Mercy Falls. He could barely contain his excitement at the thought of killing them both.

 Oh Seb and Ana beware…


Bobby Pov

All he wanted was for Kim to shut up!

For the last hour she and Josie have been going on nonstop about the new girl coming to the party. All this chatter is seriously messing up his buzz.

He lifted the plastic cup to his mouth downing the remaining contents. Josie leaned over him again to talk to Kim. He was starting to wonder why he sat in the middle of them.

"I heard from Ashley, who heard from Darcy, who heard from Stephanie, whose weird cousin Eddy works at that shitty motel outside of town that the new girl is staying there" Josie said. Bobby’s head was spinning; he could barely understand her babble.

"We should go there tonight and give her a real welcome" Kim replied in a devious voice.

Bobby knew that meant bad things were going to happen to the new girl. He still couldn't believe she rejected his offer. No girl rejects him! Not to mention he saw her leaving with Jace. He couldn't let his ex-best friend get the girl.

The only reason Bobby slept with Kim was to get back at Jace for turning on him and befriending that geek Simon. He quickly realized that Jace never even cared for Kim. It sucks for him, because now he can't get rid of her.

 Bobby stood no longer wanting to hear the girls plotting. He pushed his way through the crowd heading upstairs for some peace. The party would continue all night but he was too drunk to participate any further. And it wasn’t even midnight yet.

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