I'm stunned, "I'm sorry. I know who he is, he's a good guy." I reply, defensively. I can see the hardness enter his eyes. The frustration I thought I saw earlier is replaced with anger.

"You don't know him. Do you have any idea what you could do to your reputation? Going home with a guy you've only just met? I just interviewed some of his friends, they head plenty to say about the matter."

I'm shocked that he talked to the guys, but I'm also surprised he went through all the trouble to find me. "Why we're you looking for me anyway?" I ask confused.

"You weren't at the park or at the diner, I was worried. You were almost assaulted a mouth ago if you remember." He reminds me, his anger turning to frustration.

"I'm sorry. I'm not used to anyone checking up on me." I apologize, genuinely mad at myself.

He runs his hand through his short black hair, his dark brown eyes soften at my apology. "You need to be more careful, Ellie." I nod, seeing the strain I put on the twenty five year old officer is humbling.

"I will be. I apologize for making you worry."

"Is everything okay?" I hear Leila ask, walking towards us from the kitchen.

"Yes, everything is fine." I reply.

"Jacob, would you like to stay for dinner?" She asks, coming closer to us. I'm not surprised that they know each other. This is the type of town where everyone knows everyone and their dirty laundry.

"I would love to, Mrs. Hendrix."

"Great. Come on back you two, dinners ready."

We follow Leila to the kitchen and I see that while we were gone the table was set and the spaghetti and garlic bread is on the table. Without really thinking, I sit beside Knox, leaving Ben and Jacob on the other side of the table with Leila and Hank sitting at each end.

"Hey Jacob, how have you been?" Ben asks.

"Good, how about you?" Ben replies.

"Great, now that I've met Ellie." Ben replies, winking my way again. I roll my eyes.

"How's your Spanish? I remember we had class together." Jacob asks.

"I can understand more then I can speak it." Ben answers.

"Well, let's see if you can understand this, "Es mia, no tuya." Jacob states.

"Yeah, I can understand that, doesn't mean I care. Ella no es, es mi hermono." Ben shrugs and takes the spaghetti bowl from Jacob to fill his plate. Knox puts spaghetti on my plate for me and passes me the bread. I take a slice and look across the table. Jacob looks tense, while Ben looks relaxed and amused. I really wish I spoke Spanish.

"Your Spanish still sucks." Jacob grumbles.

"Why is he here? Is everything okay?" Knox whispers.

"Yeah, Jacob just couldn't find me. He talked to the guys and they told him I was with you."

"Why does it matter to him?"

"He looks out for me." I reply, shrugging.

"He keeps glaring at me. What did I do?" Knox questions.

"He thinks you ruined my reputation taking me to your house. I guess the boys he talked to said inappropriate things about us leaving together."

Knox looks shocked, "None the guys would have said anything like that. If they did, it was a joke and I bet anything Mark was involved. They don't call him a 'walking hard on' for nothing."

Meeting EllieWhere stories live. Discover now