chapter one

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Years have passed since my sister died, I can see why Simon had killed her, she was bad, she was going to take me away, and who knows possible kill me. Life hasn't been better since Fracessca "went away." I'm now sixteen, I'm in 10th grade and doing well in school. I don't have many friends, the only friend I have is Sam, we have been friends ever since kindergarten, although Jonny...Jon still made fun of us, Sam always told me to keep my head held high.

"Jo-jo are you ready for school." I finished brushing my hair and grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.

"yea I'm ready."

"ok remember not to let those people get to you," He said as I climbed into his car. I smiled and said,

"they aren't gonna get to me." Simon was now 26 years old for years he has taken care of me and watch me grow up. I buckled up and so did he then he drove off. The school wasn't too far, I could walk if I wanted to, but let's be honest, I'm lazy.

Simon drove up to the school and stopped the car so I could get out. I gave him one last look and hoped out of the car.

"have a good day," He said, I smiled.

"yea sure." I found my locker and opened putting the things I didn't need until my afternoon classes in there.

"Ahem." I turned around to see my friend Sam. I ran and hugged him.

"SAM!" he hugged me back. When we pulled away I looked at him grinning wide.

"are you ready for another shit hole year." I laughed.


"you seem excited."

"I kind of am, but just mostly happy to see you." He smiled slightly and hugged me again.

"well.... Lil miss Josilyn I'm glad to see you too."

"what's your schedule looking like," I asked him. He dug in his back pocket and took out a piece of paper. I looked at it, we had two-afternoon classes and four-morning classes, there is a total of seven classes all in one day, so that meant we had most of our classes together. I smiled at him. "we have most of our classes together.

"good now I can cheat my way through this year." I laughed at him as the first bell rang.

"come on let's go to class." He nodded and we made our way to our first class

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