A little too late.

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Juvia: Huh?.

Juvia looked up and saw the ice field burning. It looked like one of Natsu's spells, so Juvia conjured up a flood to put the fire out and then she was on her way again. She was disoriented when she was blinded by a very bright light, then a dark mass shrouded her. She thought it was Gajeel but, it wasn't, it started to take form into ice then, to human.

Juvia: Gray-Sama?...

Gray: Don't lay your hands on my skin Juvia or my darkness will consume you. I don't want you to feel my worst fears, my worst emotions, my worst half.

Juvia: Juvia shall not fear Gray-Sama, not for any reason. I don't not care if I feel any part of you that might cause me harm. It doesn't matter what you do, I still love you.

Gray: Don't become me.

The mirror of ice appeared in  Gray's hands, he looked into it and saw his ice-devils form laughing at him. He wanted to scream but couldn't.

Juvia: I will always be Juvia, even if I change in form, physical or mental, I will always be Juvia.

Gray: I guess I might underestimated you a little bit Juvia. I never seen such confidence in someone who'd rather love me, than kill me....

Juvia: hehehe!.

(From outside of the shroud)

Natsu: Gray!!!. What are you doing?!!!.

Gray: I can't explain it!!.

Natsu: How is Juvia?!!.

Gray: She's fine!!.

Natsu: Alright then, I'll fight her as much as I can!!.

Gray: Take my crucifix!!.

Natsu: Why?!!.

Gray: I can't hold on to it, you need it more than I do!!. I'll shroud the guild members as well!!!. Ice-devil, Ice, shroud of darkness!!.

Gramps: His final stages have begun!.

Levy: Will we die?!.

Gramps: I don't think so.

Natsu: That's not his intentions!. He's trying to save us.

Gramps: He's trying to redeem himself?.

Natsu: Apparently. Gray has Juvia with him too.

Erza: What is he planning?.

Lucy: We need to get down there and help him.

Natsu: He said for us to stay here. He doesn't want us moving.

Gramps: Then he is considering going full on Ice-devil.

Natsu: Does this mean that he won't be human anymore?.

Gramps: Not exactly. His powers have grown exponentially since his father died, maybe that's why he's so enraged.

Gajeel: I wouldn't doubt it. He got hit hard by it, I don't think he ever really recovered from it.

Natsu: I don't doubt it either.

Tessa: Well then, Ice-make, prison!.

All: Noooo!. No!!!!.

Ice-devil Gray (within the mirror): .......... You will fail.

Gray: I will not!.

Ice-devil Gray: Let me take over.

Gray: Fine!.

Ice-devil Gray: Great!. Let me pick them off one by one!.

Gray: Calm down buster!.

Ice-devil Gray: Do you feel that?.

Gray: (Falls) Ngh!. Aahhh!!. Mmmm!!. It hurts!. All the pain, it's overwhelming!!. ........... I feel like I'm suffocating!. Aaaahhhh!!!.

Meanwhile with the Fairytail guild.____________________

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