New Year

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I woke up. It was even colder than it was on Christmas Day last week. Honestly, I would much rather just stay under the covers all day but, I promised Pine that I would watch the sunrise from the cliff today. We hadn't been able to do this in a while so, I couldn't exactly say no.
I pulled on about eight layers of clothes.
"Hey, look, it's the stay puff marshmallow man!" Breeze said as I walk downstairs.
"Um, excuse me? Element of fire, anyone?" They laughed.
"You ready? Pine asked.
"Yeah." I said as we walked out the door.
River called after us.
"Okay, have fun freezing off your-"
I shut the door before she could finish that sentence.
Pine and I walked up the steps that led to the cliff.
"So, how are you enjoying the last day of this year, my fiancé?
I smiled. I loved that word. It sounded so romantic.
"So far, pretty fiancé."
"Pretty good? Well we can do better than that!"
I pulled the glittering diamond out of my shirt. I had put it on a chain and had tucked it in my shirt. I couldn't exactly go around flaunting it on my finger. Tricity would kill us both but, when I was alone with Pine that was different. I slipped the ring off the chain and onto my finger.
"I can be myself around you." I said.
We watched the sun rise over the snow covered cliffs. It was a gorgeous sight.
"What are we gonna do when all this chaos is over?" I asked.
"Oh yea, because sitting in the snow right now is so chaotic." Pine answered.
"You know what I mean."
"I prefer not to think about it. We should just enjoy the last day of the year."
"It's kinda been a crappy year." I said.
"You think?"
"Actually, I was one of the best years of my life." He said.
"What!?" I asked surprised.
"I found you." He said.
I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"It's cold."
"Says the girl in like what, nine layers."
No but really, my butt is freezing!" I said squirming on the snow.
I saw his hand move slightly then, he looked down. I looked at the ground we were sitting on. Underneath us a million tiny flowers appeared above the snow creating a sort of blanket.
"Better?" He asked.
"Much." I replied.
He grabbed my hand and rubbed the ring on my finger.
"Where'd you get it?" I asked.
"It was my mother's." He said.
"Your mother?" I said surprised. "I didn't know...well.. It's just, you never talked about her or your father. Are they...?"
"Are they dead? No. But they might as well be." He said frowning.
"What do you mean?" I asked cautiously not wanting to push to hard.
"They don't know I exist."
"How is that possible?" I asked.
"Memory loss. It's an easy thing to cause and hard to turn back. I did it to protect them. People who knew who I was and what I could do, hurt them. Almost killed them. Also, the stress of knowing their nine year old was out fighting criminals was too much for them but, I couldn't change who I was. So, I changed who they were. I took away all their memories and their identities. I let them start a new life. Without me...."
He looked so sad.
"It's better this way. They're happy and safe. Ignorance is bliss, right?"
"Pine, I'm so sorry." I whispered.
"It's been a long time." He said. "Anyway, it's a family heirloom. It was left to me when they "died"."
"What about you?" He said.
"What do you mean?"
"Do you know anything else about your family? Besides the whole "being found on a church step" thing?"
"Nope. I know absolutely nothing else. I was left with nothing and because of that treated like nothing. Until I found you."
He smiled and kissed me. When he pulled away he said...
"How about we go inside?"
"Why? Aren't you having fun freezing?" I joked.
"I'm fine but, your lips are blue."
We got up and walked back down to the compound. When we got to the common room, Breeze and River were playing games.
"You guys in?" Breeze called.
We played until it got dark and it was finally 11:50.
"I don't think I'm gonna *yawn* make it." I said drowsily.
"I'll keep you up." Pine said.
"Drinks anyone?" Breeze called.
We all answered yes and Breeze brought us all a glass of something.
"Alright guys, get ready!"
"5...4....3.....2......1.......HAPPY NEW YEAR!"
I turned really quick and kissed Pine.
Breeze choked on drink and River laughed.
We smiled.
"Happy New Year." I said.
River smiled but, I saw her eyes travel down to my hand. When they returned I could see they were widened.
Oh no.
I forgot to take the ring off.
"Hey, Lina, can I talk to you for a sec?"
"Sure." I said shakily.
We walked out into the hall.
"Something you wanna tell me?" She said with hands on her hips.
"Nope." I lied.
"Uh-huh, where'd you get the rock?" She said looking at my engagement ring.
"Tell me the truth Lina."
"God Lina, you're engaged!? You're seventeen!" She yelled.
"Shh! Please don't tell anybody!" I begged.
"Why? Why'd you do it?" She asked.
"Because, we're gonna die anyway." I whispered.
"Don't say things like that!"
She paused.
"Just don't do anything stupid." She said.
"Like what?" I said confused.
She raised her eyebrows.
"River, gross!" I said punching her arm playfully.
"Just promise me." She said.
"I promise. Not for a very long time River."
"Man, Tricity's gonna kill you." She laughed.
"Maybe, but, for right now let's just have fun and celebrate the new year."
"Happy New Year." She said.
"Happy New Year." I said back.

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