#1 How You Met

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Y/N = Your Name

How You Met

You and Alex Constancio are very good friends. It was his friends birthday and he was going to his party, and he asked if you wanted to come and you said yes.

~The Party Day~ 

You and Alex knock on his friends door and a brown haired boy open. "Hi Alex and...uh?" "Y/N" you say with a shy smile. He smile back and both of you stare in each others eyes. "Austin? Can we come inside now or are you to busy staring in Y/N's eyes?" Alex ask. Austin blush and let both of you inside. "You want something to drink?" Austin ask and you nod. He get you a drink (no alcohol ofc) and you thank him. Both of you sit there and just talk having fun when the music turns to a slow dance. (Its a very big party with music and many people) You look on other people who is dancing together. "Um you want to dance?" Austin ask and hold out his hand, you smile and nod. Both of you are dancing close and it feels like its only you and him in the world. And that was the start of a wonderful relationship. <3

Hope you like it! It wasnt the best preference i wrote but, yeah. (: COMMENT AND VOTE!


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