01; talking cats?

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"What do I have to do to make him notice me, Gismo?" Michael sighed, wishing that his cat could talk and give him some advice on how to get the attention of Luke Hemmings, the punk prankster from his school.

He meowed at the pink-haired boy, staring with curious eyes. The frustrated boy let out yet another sigh, nodding his head. "Yeah, like you can suddenly enhance the ability to speak English and give me all the answers."

Gizmo began to purr. For a second, just a second, there was a flicker of hope in the boy's heart. But then reality came crashing back down and he threw himself back against his mattress, groaning loudly.

"Animals and humans should be able to talk to eachother. Communication is key!" Michael paused, thinking. "But no way can I just walk up to my crush and spark up a conversation. Yep, back to square one."

Leaning over, he switched off the lamp on his bedside table, more than ready to succumb to a deep sleep rather than torture himself with this any longer.

"Night, little guy." The tired boy yawned, patting the ginger fur ball one last time before shutting his eyes. He curled up next to his loving owner and purred happily.

The last thought Michael had was that he would be much happier if cats' could talk.


hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this book, it's a lot shorter than the others will be :)
don't forget to vote <3

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