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Skipping school had become a regular thing for us lately.

But, we decided to make the experience even more fun.

By smoking pot.

You know, honestly it mainly just makes me hungry. Or laugh a lot. But, all in all, it mellows me out.

And, it's cheap. So, that's our poison.

Kurt and I decided to just ditch everyone and hang out at the park for a bit.

No adults. Just no one. But us, and the sounds of us talking were heard through the whole park.

I swung back and fourth, listening to Kurt whistle, making me smile.

"You know Bean... this silence is actually comforting. No one yelling. Just peace. For once.."

I smiled, shaking my head in agreement.

"It's damn nice i'd say. You're a huge comfort Cobain. Really, I'm the most mellow when I'm with you."

Kurt looked at me, grinning a bit.

"Same. And on that note..."

He smirked, making me jump from the swing, smiling.

"Let's do it!"

He laughed, getting up from the swing.

He started to walk, making me grab his arm.

He gave me a confused look.

"Oh no Kurt. You gotta give me a piggyback ride."

He rolled his eyes, bending down some.

I grinned, attaching myself to his back, him wrapping his arms around my legs.

"Hold on tight. It might be a bumpy ride..."

He took off running, a hop in his step, making me laugh, wrapping my arms tighter around him.

You know, watching tv and smoking pot, really isn't a good idea.

I can't even focus on that right now..

Did I mention how incredible this is? I mean, just feeling as light as air.

It takes all your troubles away. Even if it's just for a short time, it does.

Kurt sat next to me on the floor, looking straight at the tv, barley blinking.

I slowly laid my head on his shoulder, him laying his head on mine.

"Kurt.. this stuff is really good. I mean... I feel good."

He chuckled a little.

"Me too.... do you know what happened on tv?"

I giggled, shaking my head.

"No way in hell. I zoned right out when we started watching."

He laughed, looking down at me, smiling a little.

"Me too. I can't.. I can't even pay attention."

I slowly rose my head up, changing positions, laying my head in his lap, looking up at him.

"You're soft Cobain.. You can be my pillow."

Kurt ran his fingers through my hair, a slight moan escaping my mouth.

He moved a little beneath me, laying his hand on my back.

I smiled at him, just looking at him.

"Damn Cobain.. your eyes.. they're fucking beautiful."

He smiled a little, poking my nose.

"Your button nose is beautiful.."

I laughed, holding my stomach.

"Wow Kurt, thanks."

He chuckled, making me grin.

Laying down, looking at Kurt, him fast asleep, I smiled a tad.

The pot wore off. And life was happening again.

But at least for this moment, we have this little bubble we stay in, our glass case to protect us from the outside.

Sadly, tomorrow we have to go back into the world, and deal with the shit our parents put us through.

Kurt's eyes softly fluttered open, looking at me.

"You're still not asleep Bean..?"

He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into him, kissing my forehead, making me smile, kissing his cheek.

"Such a flirt.."

The corners of his mouth slowly went up, looking at me with one of his eyes open.

"I just love you too much mean Bean..."

I grinned a little, closing my eyes.

"I love you too Cobain. Now go back to sleep before I knock you out."

He chuckled, tightening his arm around me, making me smile.

The Boy With Blue Eyes {A Kurt Cobain Story}Where stories live. Discover now