Stay Strong

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*Please read this, don't disregard it because it's not a story update, it is important you read and understand what I say to you*

To anyone who does, or ever will need this. I'm here if you want to talk. 

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Life is unfair, it comes with ups and downs. Many downs. But, you have to wait for the ups, look up to them, treasure them. I know that you may be hurting right now, I understand because I am too. But it will get better, the frown that is on your beautiful face will be a smile one day. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow; but one day, you will smile again. Your tears of sadness will turn into tears of happiness. Some days, you may feel like your life is falling apart, but it's only the beginning, all you need is a brand new start, find the people that are going to make you smile not frown. You think that you want to die, but in reality you just want to be saved, I'm here to save you. Pain makes you stronger, tears make you braver, and heartbreak makes you wiser. So thank the past for the better future that the pass has allowed you to have. When something happens, you have 3 choices that you can make. You can either let it:
A) Define you
B) Destroy you
C) Strengthen you. 
Out of these three, chose the better option. Allow your mistakes and problems fuel the fire that keeps you going, let the fire eating you from the inside out burn down. Well it doesn't matter anyway, you're not choosing. I'm choosing for you. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? 

Everyone deserves a smile. I know you're thinking about giving up, after all that you've been through you just want to quit? Just like that? WELL NEWSFLASH YOU'RE NOT! You're gonna fight like hell until you can't fight any longer, that's what you're what you're gonna do. And when you can't fight any longer I'm gonna be here to make sure you keep fighting and I promise no matter what you will win. I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but you will. 

They told you never to talk to people on the internet because they could be liars. I am definitely not lying to you. They also say they could ruin your life, I AM SAVING YOUR LIFE. I'll bet they didn't tell you that these people could be some of the best people you'll ever meet, right? I'm just a girl behind a screen with a heart and a passion to save you. We all make mistakes and we have many struggles and you are here RIGHT NOW with the power to shape your day and future. Only you have the power to make you smile, and I want to help you strengthen and develop that power because I love you all, so much. 

I'm here for you. Stay strong, and talk to me, I'm here. 

~Faye x 

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