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The skype on my laptop rings as it attempts to connect with Sage. Ring. Ring. Ring. Finally, her bright face appears.
"Tro!" She yells excitedly and I wave like a five year old would.
"Sagey! How've you been?"

She stays still for a second because of the poor connection and lag.
"Pretty good. How have you been with your new friend?" She puts an edge on the word friend. That can only mean one person.
"Oh Connor? It's good. It feels good to have a friend out here I guess. Before my only friends were Emma and Dani but now I have a ton."

"Good. Mum's been worrying about you nonstop for weeks. It's quite annoying sometimes."
I laugh. "It's even worse on my end. She texts me and makes sure I'm eating enough every day."
She tells me about things back home and Tyde and Steele come in to say hello. We talk about my music and how things are here. My mum and dad do so too, both asking questions about Connor.

"Is he American?" My mum asks me and I nod.
"He's from Minnesota."
"Shaun is that where Chicago is too?" My mum asks my dad and he laughs and shakes his head.
"No dear that's Michigan."
Now I'm the one to laugh. They really don't know a thing about America and the states.
"Chicago is in Illinois. Minnesota is a state north of that." I tell them and they nod in understanding.

After a little while longer, they leave and it's just Sage and I again.
"Tro?" She begins and I look up at the screen.
She takes a deep breath. "You like him don't you? You're just scared that he isn't gay so you don't want to admit it. Troye it's fine if that's the ca-"
"I like him Sage. He's just not gay so I'm trying to not fall for him but I can't help it." I blurt out and instantly regret it. Now my little secret is out.

"Tro you don't know that for sure. Remember for years how we thought you were dating Kayla but you were gay? That could be it with Connor?" I smile. She's trying her hardest to cheer me up about all of this. What would I do without her?

After talking for a little while longer, she has to go to bed since it's almost 2 AM their time.
"When are you going to be home next?" She asks me drowsy.
"I don't know, Sage. I'm gonna try soon but I probably won't be able to until after TRXYE is released. But I'll always be here for you, you know that right?"
She smiles slightly, "I love you Tro. I'll talk to you later."
"Get some sleep Sagey. I love you too."

I click the hangup button and the screen exits back to my list of Skype contacts. I look at my clock. Shit I'm supposed to be at Connor's soon. His sister is going out with some of her friends tonight so he invited me over to keep him company.

I grab the normal things I take to Connor's when I hang out with him and set out for his apartment. It really sucks not knowing how to drive in America since that could come in handy a lot. Once I've walked to Connor's apartment, I walk up to Connor's door and try the knob. It's open so I open it up and Nicola is sitting on the couch hunched over putting on her shoes.
"Hey Troye," She says and smiles before yelling, "Con! Troye is here!"

Connor appears from around the corner and walks over to me.
"Hey Tro." He hugs me tightly after I've removed my shoes and stood back up straight. We walk to the couch and Nicola stands up and walks to the door.
"Okay I'll be back sometime tonight unless I stay at Lauren's. Have fun guys!" She closes the door and Connor turns to me.

"American Horror Story time?" He asks me and I nod. We get up and walk into his room since he has Netflix on that TV. He grabs his remote and turns on Netflix. It's become our little ritual to watch an episode together whenever we have time.

The episode begins and we sit under the blanket resting on Connor's bed. We don't sit too close to each other but close enough we can share the blanket. The episode isn't a particularly scary one and after it's over, Connor turns off his TV and we sit in silence.

"Tro can I-can I tell you something?"

CLIFFHANGER!¡ jk it's pretty obvious what he's gonna say...or is it?

for him.   ~A Tronnor Fic~Where stories live. Discover now