
"It's you."

"The book I was currently reading said, 'when approaching someone the appropriate thing to do is greet the person with a 'hello'?"

"Sai what do you want?" Sakura sighed and rubbed her temples.

"I wanted to check up on you, how was your first mission as a-"

Sakura grabbed Sai by the collar and yanked inside. She slammed the door shut and glared at the onyx eyed shinobi.

"Sai you aren't even supposed to know I'm an ANBU," she whispered viciously, "other people can't know either, so keep your mouth shut, got it?"

"Yes Sakura," Sai replied and adjusted his shirt, that was now wrinkled from Sakura's grip.

"Well now that you've kept me up from taking a nap, what do you need?"

"Like I said, I wanted to check up on you."

"That's all you needed?" Sakura grumbled and glared at the ravenette.

"How about we go for a walk?" Sai asked, pointing to the path behind him.

"Fine," Sakura mumbled, "Let me get changed first."

Sakura allowed Sai to come in, he took a seat in her living and Sakura headed into her room and closed the door behind her.

She threw her ANBU gear off and into the hamper, that was across the room. She placed her regular red crop top on, with her clan symbol on the back, a pair of black shorts that reached mid-thigh, a pink skirt, black knee high combat boots and to top it off her pink head gear. She tied it like how she always did, this piece of her clothing was special to her. It reminded her that she was a kunoichi that belonged to Konoha.

Sakura walked out of her room and into the living room. Sai stood up and walked towards the door, he opened it and allowed Sakura to go out first. She nodded her head and plastered on a fake smile of gratitude. Sai closed the door behind him and they followed the dirt pathway in silence.

"So," Sakura began to speak, trying to break the ice, "How have you been for the last few weeks."

"Good, Hokage-sama has given me a few easy solo missions, how have you been, working with the-"

Sakura immediately clamped her hand over his mouth. She shifted her eyes and scanned the surrounding. She sighed and removed her hand from his mouth.

"Is that considered a sexual assault, I read in a book if a girl quiets a man she's trying to pull-"

"SHUT UP! BAKA SAI, SHANNARO!" Sakura shouted and punched him in the face.


"I'm guessing it wasn't an act of assault?" Sai asked and allowed Sakura to heal the small wound on his, unhealthy looking, cheek.

"No, Sai, it wasn't," Sakura groaned and finished healing his face.

Sai stood up and looked at Sakura closely. She was definitely different in some areas. That hot head of hers and her temptation to hit people for making the wrong move didn't change at all, but her physic changed. She's gained more muscles. However her aura seems more dark and mysterious, as if she's can kill you with one death glare.

Sakura sighed and placed a hand on her forehead, "You shouldn't even know that I'm apart of that organization, I'm not allowed to tell anyone, so this is our little secret, okay?"

Sai looked closely at Sakura, keeping this kind of secret from his allies, is that really worth the risk. After some thinking he finally nodded his head and said, "Alright, it will be our little secret."

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