One-crazy big idea

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Your POV:

Oh crap, it's flame head! He goes to this school?

The class starts and I hide my head away from him.

Why am I hiding?

I peek with my eye and I saw him walking slowly to the seat which was one desk away from my left.

The teacher came in and gave us brief introduction and welcoming the new students. He congrats us for our last year of high school.

When he was over, it was already the next class period.

I look at my schedule:

1.) Advisory
2.) Human anatomy
3.) Math: calculus
4.) Lunch
5.) Japanese /History
6.) Shogi club
7.) Physical education

Well that's my schedule...

I slowly look at the doorway and saw Akashi was exiting the classroom. I sigh in relief and decide to go to my next class. I head to Human anatomy and then I see a red hair entering my class that I was going to enter.

"Wahhhhhhhh!" My both hands meet my cheeks . Everyone look at me and I move on.

Okay. Calm yourself... Why am I so worry?

Skip to PE:

Okay, so I basically have all classes with Akashi.

I enter the gym first and I dress to my PE clothes which was loose t-shirt and boy's short. When I was done I head to the gym and waiting.

I pass by a flyer.

Boys! Rakuzan basketball tryouts will be after orientation and tomorrow! We will win the winter cup for sure this year! Ask Captain Akashi Seijuro for more details!


"Plan to join?" The voice shook me and I turn around. I see Akashi.

"I-I'll think about it." As I clear my voice.

He means the girls basketball team, right?

"Winning is everything in this world. The victors write history. The losers are wiped from it. " Akashi says with a calm voice.

I gave him an annoyed face.

"But, ever since we lost to Seirin, we have to get stronger and I intend to not lose this time. We must learn from our mistakes and correct it."

I smile at him.

"Seems like we're starting, let's go." I tap his shoulder and ran.

After PE

I was the last one to go change. I pick every thing back and put it back to the equipment room. I walk outside and I plug headphones in.

I realize I see Akashi walking to the outside gym.

Boys basketball? Huh. I wanna see. Where the girls at?

I quickly follow Akashi and stand by.

I see Akashi with his teammates and coach.

I take out ear bud from my ear.

"May I get everyone's attention? This year for Rakuzan's girls basketball is cancel due to lack of girls joining the team."

I clench my fist

"It is sad that there won't be a team for the girls, but for the boys.... We will have a good year with everyone!"

My secret: Akashi Seijuro x Reader [editing]Where stories live. Discover now