Nico DiAngelo

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Ok but I get so upset when I see Nico characterized as this angry hardass because like

Nico is a giant dork who is a big sweetheart like:

•He is he only person who noticed Hestia

•He talked to Bob even though he had no obligation to

•He refuses to be rude to the dead

•Like if I'm remembering right he said "thank you" to the dead he summoned omg

•He always says please and thank you even when he's upset

•He's super proper and polite like a the time no matter what.


For all those who think of Nico like some angry hardass.

Plus, did you know that the name
"Nico DiAngelo"
Means "Death Angel"?

I forget from what culture it is but I'm pretty sure it's Greek or something but yeah....!


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