Chapter 43: Jay Jonah Jackass

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Chapter 43: Jay Jonah Jackass

"Jade, don't move, I'm almost done."

I groan.

"I was hoping you'd be out longer." I tilt my head up seeing Bruce stitching my stomach, it clean of blood now. I lay my head back down and look to my right. Steve stands, holding my hand and watching Bruce work. As I look at him I can practically feel the worry radiating off of him. His brow is blotted with sweat and I almost feel bad for making him to anxious and stressed. My throat feels like a desert, so I squeeze his hand. He looks back at me and smiles. I return a weak one and close my eyes, but I'm not like that for long. I hear the doors glide open.

"Jade." I turn my head and see Peter, freshly showered and out of his suit. I try clearing my throat, but my voice still comes out as a croak.


"Is she okay?" He asks stepping next to Steve.

"She'll be fine." I hear a small clatter as Bruce says that. "Jade, would you like to sit up?" I nod and begin to prop myself up, but feel arms all around me, helping me. I wince as I swing my legs off the table, my left arm holding my stomach. I don't look at Steve or Peter as I hop off the table. They both react, ready to catch me if I fall, but I straighten my back, showing them I don't need their help. Before I can get anywhere, Bruce is right by my side, wrapping gauze around my torso, making sure my newly stitched wound is protected.

"Bruce, how do you recommend I wrap this so I can shower?" Bruce walks across the room and hands me a rectangular box.

"Plastic wrap?" Peter asks.

"Alright, thank you." I say placing my hand on Bruce's shoulders. I would've hugged him but, kinda shirtless.

"Before you go," Bruce says handing me a glass of water. "Drink." I nod gratefully to him, gulping down the water. I hand him back the cup and walk out of the room. As I wait for the elevator doors to close, I'm surprised Peter or Steve didn't pursue after me. Although I'm glad they didn't. I'm way too tired to hold a conversation. The elevator closes and as it moves up, I begin wrapping my stomach. I make sure there are a good amount of layers of plastic wrap despite how odd it feels. I rip it and pat the end down making sure everything is secure. When I look back up, the doors open to a pop-tart wielding Thor. I try to fight the blush creeping onto my cheeks as I step out.

"Ah Jade! Are you well?" He asks, cheery as ever.

"Um, yup! Bruce says I'll be better in no time." I say awkwardly. I step to the side of him and out of the elevator as he continues to smile. We don't say anything else, just kinda stand there until I clear my throat and turn down the hallway. As I reach my door, Tony walks out of his. He doesn't say anything, doesn't even make eye contact with me. Is it because I got in the way of his repulsor blast? I watch him go down the hall, but decide not to worry over it until I'm clean, and uh, have a shirt on. I walk into my room and see my bloody and torn, brand new shirt. I pick it up and sigh. There goes my new uniform.

"Oh I don't know, I'm sure if you ask nicely and bat those eyelashes, Tony will be more than happy to give you another one." I turn to see Clint

standing in the doorway. I give a weak smile looking back at the shirt, Clint walking in.

"I doubt that, I think I upset him." I admit.

"Don't know why you would. What you did today was outstanding." Clint replies.

"So I'm not a total failure as a hero?"

"Hardly, exact opposite even. If Tony wants to have a hissy fit, let him. You were incredible today Jade." I look up at Clint as he stands in front of me. "How's your stomach?"

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