New Normal

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4 years later...
"Do you hear that?" Elliot said as he and his wife, Olivia, laid in bed Saturday morning, thankful that they had gotten 9 hours of sleep that night. Bedtime had became quite a show, with two rambunctious children under the age of five running around. Both parents were lucky to get at least 6 hours of sleep every night. It was very seldom that they had gotten to sleep in on Saturdays, and both were thankful for those three extra hours.

"No Frozen playing, no running in the house, or screaming. Just quiet," he rolled over and nuzzled his face into the crook of Olivia's neck, eliciting a laugh from her.

"I think you spoke too soon," Olivia said as the piter patter of small feet shuffled in the hallways.

"Mama!" Penelope ran into their room to do her normal routine of waking her parents in the morning. She was always the first child to wake, and the reason Olivia and Elliot didn't need an alarm clock.

"Good morning baby!" The tiny four year old climbed into their California king bed and made herself comfortable between her parents. "Did you sleep good P?" Olivia caressed her face and kissed her.

"I did, no scary monsters!" She looked up at her mother with her sparkling brown eyes that resembled her mothers completely.

"I told you daddy would scare them all away," he snuggled little Penelope close to him and kissed the top of her dark curly haired head. "How about you go wake up your brother and sister, and then we can make breakfast together?"

"Okay!" Elliot lifted her and helped her jump from the bed.

With Elliot's law firm expanding to Chicago and Atlanta, and Olivia continuing to work as Lieutenant, there was little time during the week for time with the kids. So, every Saturday morning was spent with the kids. Whether that meant getting up and making breakfast together, or snuggling in their parents bed and watching morning cartoons.

"Just when I thought that maybe we could get into something else this morning," Elliot grinned salaciously at her as he ran his hand up and down her thigh.

"Maybe tonight," she returned the smile and straddled his lap before nipping and kissing his neck. What was supposed to only be a passionate kiss, turned into a frenzy to rip each others clothes off.

"Liv, if we don't get down there, the kids are going to come looking for us," Elliot pulled away as she began working the drawstring to his pants. She stopped, saving herself the embarrassment of her children walking in on them. Farrah was nearing 11 years old, and Olivia wanted to keep her innocence as long as possible.

"You're right," she laughed and bit her now swollen bottom lip. "Almost a decade later and I'm still crazy for you," she pecked his lips and quickly went to tend to their children.
"Camden's kickin me under the table!" Penelope's tiny voice yelled as her older brother picked on her per usual.

"Camden Richard Stabler, what did we say about soft touches?" Olivia scolded her son as they sat at the table, attempting to enjoy their family breakfast.

"I'm sorry mama. And I'm sorry P, he looked over to his sister with his sky blue eyes and apologized immediately. Camden was definitely a mama's boy and wanted nothing but to be good for her.

"So.. Soon I'll have to leave for Chicago and check in on the firm," Elliot conversed with his wife as the children went on with their own.

"How long?" She was happy for her husband and proud of his accomplishments, but she hates the part where he had to travel. Their nanny Ava was a big help, but it was still trying for Olivia to have 3 children on her own.

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