"We can take them into custody."

"That won't be necessary, uhhh there young boys, you know how it is, their hormones are all over the place, I think it'd be better for school administration to deal with them."

"Okay, but who is being charged for the property damage?"

"(°~°)\uhh ...You can charge the boys they need some consequence."

"I hear you loud and clear, we will have to escort the two off the property, we can take them home for the night and alert their parents."

"That sounds good, let me just talk to this one, for a bit."Mr.Shepard asked point at me.

"Sure thing." The cop replied.

I could hear Mr.Shepard's leather shoes beat down the stairway.

He took a squat beside me "It's cold out here, Kia I can't recognize you right now."

I couldn't look at him.

"I need you and your friend to go to peer mediation as soon as the breaks over... I know you may not want to, but if you don't you'll risk completing your senior year and I don't want that for you because you're a smart kid."

I wasn't listening, but "risk completing your senior year." Definitely caught my attention.

Okay I nodded.

After our chat, Mr.Shepard proceeded to telling Deroy the same thing. I was placed in a police car and driven home where my anger turned into embarrassment.

The police walked up to my doorstep and knock three times. My mom answered the door, she looked tired. The officer explained everything to my parents, as I watched from the backseat of the car. I could see my neighbors minding everything, but their own business and the shock on my parents faces made me sick.

Maybe I was the bad guy.

I sank deeper and deeper into the backseat. That is until, my mom and dad came rushing out to get me. They pulled me out of the car and quickly inside the house. They shooed away the police and things got quiet again. My mother left the room. My father embraced me, so much so that I laughed, thinking he was gonna let this whole thing go. That night, for the first time in my life my mother beat me. Nothing kills your pride more than coming face to face with a belt at the receiving end.

The next day I took to calling Kelly, but she wouldn't answer, I knew she was ignoring my calls. Now that I think about it, Deroy probably told her about me and Amora. I mean now that we're no longer friends he has no reason to keep it a secret.

I got curious. I walked reluctantly to Kelly's house to apologize. I saw her sitting at her bedroom window upstairs and she saw me. She closed the curtains and moved from the window. I sat on a bench across the street from her house, contemplating what I could say to make things better.

Eventually, she came down stairs and sat beside me. She still had on my necklace, so I didn't know what to think. Gosh... I hardly knew what to say.

It was cold I could see my breath making clouds before my eyes. I thought to myself why am I here.

"If you have something to tell me, say it." She demanded, with her hands gripping onto the wooden seat and her hair falling into her face. That day her eyes were like mines, puffy from crying and she fixed them mostly at the ground.

"I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean to..." I tried diligently to explain an elaborate excuse I didn't have. But she stopped me...

"I don't care what you ment and did not mean to do, just tell me why... why is it that I waited for you all evening, all night and you never came?" She shouted.

"Ahhh I..." What could I say.

"Kia you made me look like a fool in front of my whole family. I put on my dress, did my hair, got my makeup done, all for you."

"I'm sorry... I had something to do," I mumbled.

"I don't need you to be sorry and you still haven't answered my question!! Why? What could be more important! Kia you're really starting to pissss me off."

I didn't want to tell her about Amora. How could I? I never wanted to hurt anybody, but it was obvious that's all I'd been doing up until now. One more lie, I told myself.

"I got sick yesterday... that's why I couldn't come get you. On my way here my nerves got the best of me and I felt like I had to see a doctor."

"So you're nerves stopped you from coming to pick me up, but they allowed you to go to formal and of all things, get into a fight. Are you a fucking delinquent, because I already know you're a liar." She was making a scene. At that moment

It was like a twitch.

I wiped my face and looked her in the eye.
"You know what Kelly... you're not my mother and yesterday I had to go see a very very important girl, she just wasn't you." Kelly's face flushed red with disbelief, she didn't want to hear it. She gets up and tries to leave. "Where are you going? This is a conversation not a speech?" I got up, grabbed her wrist and jerk her ass back to me. "I'm not done!" I held on to her shoulders and made her sit down.

"I'll tell you the truth Kelly, this liar will for once tell the truth.That necklace you have wrapped around your neck, has her initials engraved in it, not yours. The feelings I have for that woman are greater than anything I've ever felt for you, and Kelly please don't act like you didn't know this when you asked me to be with you! Don't stand here and try to discipline me, when I have a mother and father back home." I stopped.
"Your a liar." she responded.

Her father came outside before she could finish. I avoided eye and noted that, that was my Que to leave.

"I wouldn't say it just to hurt you." I dug my hands into my pocket and marched home.

That marked the end of our relationship, well for me anyway. Her father Billed me for the expenses of formal, everything from Kelly's dress to the tickets.
My dad like the gentleman he is wrote up a check that was more than enough, that is only after I told him almost everything about Amora.

It was the most embarrassing conversation in my life.

"So you are going to give up a friend because of a joke?"

"No!!! Dad it wasn't just a joke he made me think ...I could get her back." I explained with a sigh of grief.

"You can't be in love and gullible son. Pick one, but not both. You know what we call a man like that?"


"A fool. You can't always allow your emotions to get the best of you. Deroy's your friend. I'm your father and the thing I'd hate losing the most is a friend."

"Really?!" I asked.

"Yeah." He nodded it was in moments like this, I could really look up and admire my dad.

"Oh! Then is losing mom like second or third." I laughed.

"It depends on the story." He smiled "Alright cheer up I've got work to do. Go help your mother make kimchi." He added before leaving my room.

I Stalked my GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now