Chapter Thirty Six

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All four of us sip hot chocolate and eat popcorn, in front of the tv. It's hard for me to cuddle up with Joe the way I want because my stupid cast and my broken ribs. Lizzy and Luke are like a knot.
"We want to get married." Lizzy says, still staring at the tv. My eyes widen as I stare at the two. Joe doesn't seem affected.
"Married? As in forever together?" I ask. I want to get married some day but we're still young. Too young.
"Yes, what do you guys think? Could it happen? I'll be your sister, Joe."
"Only by law, Lizzy. I could still hate you." Joe says, smiling easily. She groans and Luke ruffles up her hair. I'm jealous of them. They always have this public affection that Joe can't have with me. He could, if David died tragically. That's terrible. I watch them kiss and play fight, envy filling me. I resent Joe.
"Baby? I'm cold over here." He whispers in my ears. I feel guilty for my previous thoughts and I turn my attention to him. The envy must've turned me green because Joe looked down quickly, squeezing my hand.
"I love you."
I kiss his nose and he chuckles harshly.
"I'll give you everything you want one day, princess."
I let that soak into my pores and brain, right to my heart and the big space I hold for Joe. I trust him.
There's a soft tap at the door and then my mom's voice. I kiss Joe deeply, watching him exit the room. Luke opens the door, letting her in.
"Oh, I remember these days. Are you guys having a great time?" Mom says, smiling. She looks as if she's been crying. Something is wrong.
"We are, care to join?" Lizzy says. I want to wack her right up side the head with my mug.
"No, I just came to see if you girls would like to get cute for Christmas tomorrow. I know it's cold out but what's wrong with getting your face beat?" Mom says, clasping her hands together. Lizzy jumps up, super excited. I want to jump up too but I can't. Luke looks at me as if he feels sorry and helps me up.
"Let's go." I say, putting a crutch under each arm. Mom tries to help me but I shake my head, I feel like I'm going to have to live without her guidance soon and this is a good way to learn.
I just hope I don't t lose her in the process.

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