The beginning?

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      Mother decided to send me to the DWMA, so that I can become the best Meister possible. I wanted to make the best death weapon ever. Well at least one that's better then my good for nothing Papa. I also wanted to become as strong, as my big sister. I was going to be staying with her and her weapon, until I was able to get my own apartment. "Bye mom, I'll tell Maka you said hi" I told her while getting on the plane. I got a seat by the window, so that I could get a last glimpse of my hometown. The plane started to take off, and I saw mom and some of my old friends wave good bye. Once the plane started taking off. I took my headphones out and started listening to one of my favorite bands. I started humming the first song that came out which was I write sins not tragedies by Panic at the Disco (sorry guys, I just really like Panic at the Disco. You could always change the song in your head while reading it. I put the song at the top of the story if you want to listen to it.) I was so exited to finally see Maka. I would also be able to see my two best friends Soul, and Crona.(I also consider Crona a guy in this story)  I haven't seen Maka, since she left to become a meister. The bad thing is that I would have to see my good for nothing papa. I haven't seen him since my mother left him for good. I would always follow Maka and see him with another women. Me and Maka would always agree on most things.


      "Look at him" 7 year old me said. "Mama should just leave him" 9 year old Maka said. Then he turned around, and saw us. He was drunk and was hugging a women with one hand while holding a can of some sorts with the other hand. "Oh Hey*hiccup* girls" he said in a very drunk tone. Me and Maka turned around and crossed our arms. He came a little closer to us. "Papa your breath reeks of alcohol" I said. What I didn't notice was that Maka started to walk away without me. I was about to catch up to her. When all of the sudden he grabbed my arm, and started hugging me really tightly. I tried getting away, but he was to strong. "Maka help!" I screamed, but I didn't see her. I thought she left me, but instead I saw her come really quickly with a thick book in her hand. I heard her say "Maka-chop!" She then hit him in the head with the thick book. Next thing I knew he was on the floor unconscious. Maka helped me get off the floor The lady then saw him on the floor, and thought he was dead. She ran away and never came back.

*End of Flashback*

      I smiled at the memory. That was Maka's first Maka-chop. I then looked out the window and noticed that we were about to land. This is the start of a new life with my sister, and my two best friends. I also get to find a weapon partner.The bad part is that I have to see my good for nothing papa. At least mom was able to leave him. Maybe he changed into a better person? Life couldn't get better. What could possibly go wrong. "BOOM!"

Maka's little sister?  (Death the Kid X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now