No Turning Back - A Vampire Diaries Fanfic 15

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Sorry for such the long wait but hope this chapter makes up for it :D

Last chapter Elena and Charlie came to an understanding. Damon, Stefan and Alaric finally rescued them. And we ended with Damon and Charlie doing what they do best… lol.

Charlie found out that like an Original she cannot die, however, this is not as simple for her as they thought…

Chapter 15

New Orleans, New Years Day 1865

It had been a year since Charlotte had left Mystic Falls, and she was enjoying her life at the tavern in New Orleans. Mabelle was carefree and made everything in her life exciting and fun.

Charlotte would never forget Damon, how could she, she'd never loved someone as much as she did him. She would never forget Katherine; she was the girl who had repeatedly ruined her life. Of course, she still missed her mother and more than anything she could never forget the monster she used to be... her dark past. All the murder and killing would haunt her for the rest of her existence. But being here, away from everything that had hurt her, helped a lot and at times she genuinely felt happy.

She didn't have much here, just her small room with a bed and desk covered with a couple of books in the tavern. Her closet was limited, she still had a few beautiful dresses and pieces of jewellery she'd kept from the Salvatore's but now her wardrobe was much simpler. Working in a bar no one cared about lavish materials or fine embroidery. This she didn't mind too much, it made life easy not caring about keeping her clothes clean or how she looked to other people. It wasn't about impressing people here.

Charlotte sat alone outside, he eyes wet with tears and her red curls blowing gently in the wind. She needed some time to think. Everyone was celebrating the start of the New Year but in a way she felt sad. This was only another year she wasn't going to age. Another year where she had to lie to the people she cared about. Just another year of her endless life, a new year meant nothing to her when she had an eternity of them.

She couldn't believe it was now 1865. She imagined telling Mabelle that she had been exactly the same age in 1765. No doubt she would run through town screaming vampire.

But 1865, almost four years since she'd met Damon. She wondered what he was doing now, had he moved on, had he completely forgotten about her? She couldn't bear to think of him with anyone else... but more than anything she hoped Katherine had become bored of Mystic Falls and had left him and Stefan alone.

She took out Damon's engagement ring from inside the corset of her shabby brown dress, still on the chain from his pocket watch. The chain had never left her neck from the day she had left him. She held onto it tight and tears fell from her eyes.

"Charlotte, you out here?" she heard Mabelle shout but she didn't bother answering. No doubt Mabelle's human ears wouldn't have heard her anyway. "Lottie?" she asked again.

A few seconds later, Mabelle entered the yard of the tavern and sighed sympathetically when she saw Charlotte alone. "Lottie, what are you doing out here? Mr Hart is looking for you. It's busy inside." She shivered. "God, it's freezing," she remarked as she wrapped her arms around herself.

"I'm fine, just needed some air," Charlotte lied.

Mabelle in her dark green dress and worn boots sat beside her, her long mousy blond her in her usual messy braid. Her childlike green eyes looked at Charlotte with concern. "You're thinking about him again, aren't you?"

Charlotte looked down at her tattered work boots and the ripped rim of her skirt which on her tiny frame completely trailed the floor. "Yes," she whispered.

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