Chapter 2

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Taiyou's POV

I was at the hospital, or rather, outside the hospital, when I ran into a female and knocked her over. I helped her up, then I noticed she was wearing a soccer uniform. " Ne,Ne, Do you play soccer?" She asked. " Yeah, I do..." I trailed off, not knowing her name. " Tera," she said, somehow understanding what I was looking for. Suddenly, a soccer ball rolled towards her feet and she sent a from my way before running away with the ball. I chased after her and after a bit of playing she passed it back to the boys and they walked off, talking about us. I then heard a " Taiyou!" and I said " Ja ne, Tera-Chan!" and ran off.

Tera's POV

I watched as Taiyou left, and then the woman who,called his name caught up to me and I,asked " Why is he in the hospital?". She answered my question then said " My name's Fuyuka, and if you see Taiyou out please don't hesitate to say something." " Un, if I see him I'll call,you" I said as we exchanged numbers. I then realised why I was here in the first place, then realised that visiting hours were over. " Dang it," I exclaimed. " What's wrong?" Fuyuka asked. " I came here to visit someone, but I got busy with Taiyou and completly forgot all about it," I replied. " Who were you going to visit Tera-chan?" I asked. " Tsurugi Yuuichi," I replied. " I'll make an exception for you," Fuyuka said. " Arigatou, Fuyuka-San!" I exclaimed. We then walked to Yuuichi's room. When we got there, I knocked and Yuuichi replied " Who is it?". " It's me, Tera," I said. " Come in, Tera-chan," he replied. I stayed for a good 2 hours and before long, I was yawning. A few minutes later I was asleep in the chair.

Yuuichi's POV

I was glad.Tera-chan came and she stayed for two hours and then she started yawning. A few minutes later, she succumbed to sleep and after that, Fuyuka walked in and was about to say something then I said " shhh,". She looked to the chair and nodded an okay, then softly said " Do you know where she lives?". I shook my head. " Do you know her parents' names?". I said " Her parents live in Okinawa, Kei said something about Kino Aki once, though,".

Fuyuka's POV

Luckily, I still have Aki's phone number. I walked out and called her. After a few rings she picked up.

Aki's POV

I picked up my phone and said " Hello, this is Aki speaking,". " Aki, Hi, It's Fuyuka," she replied. " Ah, Fuyuupe! What's up?" I replied. " Tera came to visit Yuuichi and ended up falling asleep, what do you want me to do? Drop her off, Wait for you to,come pick her up or leave her and let her borrow my old school uniform?" She replied. " Could you leave her? I'm a little busy at the moment," I replied. " Okay," I replied. " Thanks for understanding, Fuyuupe, I'll meet you somewhere one day, Ja ne," she replied. " Ja ne," I replied and hung up.

Fuyuka's POV

I walked back into the room and said " Just leave her, I'll let her borrow my old uniform, I just need to get it from my house,". I then left, drove home, got my uniform, drove back to the hospital and hung it up.

*Time skip *

Kei's POV

I walked to.the hospital to visit Yuuichi and when I got there I was surprised to see Tera asleep in the chair next to the bed, I looked at.the time and realised I should wake her up. I gently shook her and she woke up. She looked up, realised she must've fallen asleep and walked into the bathroom to get into true uniform that was hanging up, my guess was that it was Fuyuka-san's old one. I greeted my brother and then we left to walk to school, we went through school, then after school we walked back to the hospital to visit Yuuichi, after visiting hours were over, Tera and I went our separate ways and grade home.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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