Invite me

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Hey guys, this is my first time writing anything like this so go easy on me.
Alibaba POV

It was a day like anyother day, I woke up and started training with Sharrkan and like always he didn't let me off easy. After the morning training finished I met with Aladin that had as well finished his morning activity and went to get some lunch.

- Alibaba-kun how is your training going?
- Ahh~~ I can't take it anymore he's so heartless and doesn't even let me rest for a bit saying that in really battle there's no time to rest...
- Ehhh Yamraiha-san is really friendly when she teaches me and also when it gets rough I get inspired looking ate her big oppais eheheh.
- You really have it easy don't you?

(after lunch)

- See you at 6pm Alibaba-kun.
- 6pm? Is there anything planned?
- What do you mean if there is anything planned, uncle Sinbad is having a party today, he send me a letter a couple of days ago.
- But I didnt receive anything.
- Eh? Really? He must have made a mistake. Anyway I have to go so see you in the party.

Sinbad is throwing a party and he didn't invite me? Did I do something wrong? Or maybe he just doesn't want me there, he only has great people beside him, people that can fight with him I on the other hand can't do anything. Damn I getting depressed just thinking about it, let's not worry I must have been a mistake and I will give him a earfull for not inviting me when I see him.

(after training)

Cool we finished early today must have been because he has to get ready for the party I on the other hand don't know if I should go or not. That stupid king making worry like this because of a mistake he did, well lets go home first and then I will go to the party.

I actually am late for the party since it started a hour ago but like anyother party he throws it probably only finishes late at night anyway so I didn't miss much. I find Alladin in the party eating like a pig and surrounded by women, I keep looking around trying to find Sinbad but he is nowhere to be seen. After a while of searching I see a huge crowd laughing and dancing and decided to take a look, when I get close I see the king sipping on his wine while surrounded by beautifull girls. When I was about to call him he spots me and seems to be astonished by it leaving me with my hand in mid air trying to understand his face. He gets up and comes up to me and with one hand on his hair while trying not to look me in the eye and the other in his hip he starts:
- Hey, I didn't know I would see you here - he said with a awkward voice.
- ... A-Ah sorry for coming univited I'm just looking for Alladin for something important so... See you later - I said with my voice cracking at the end and water started filling my eyes. He really didn't want me here, how can I be so stupid.
- W-Wait you can stay a bit if you want you know.
I glare at him, what does he mean I can stay if I want when he didn't invite? I feel like crying so I just turn my head around and head the other way but his hand grabbing my arms stops me from going far.
- I said wait. It's not what you're thinking really so let's talk for a bit yeah?
- Hmph... Then what it is like? The truth is you don't want me here that's why you didn't invite me, I get it so I won't show my face to you again 'YOUR HIGHNESS' - I said while glaring at him and ending it with bow with my hands to the side pulling my clothes in their movement and dragging one foot back.

I couldn't help from letting one tear falling in front of him but that was the most he would be getting from me as I turned and kept walking away at full speed.
Damn I just want to go home. Why did I came here? What is his problem anyway?why doesn't he wants to see me? I know I'm a loser and can't do anything right but if he hates me he could just say it to my face instead of going around trying to avoid me.

The more I think about it the more tears keep on falling

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