Love And Acceptance

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"I'm gay," he nervously stated.

"I know," she replied.

Obviously not hearing her response, he continued.

"If you don't want to be friends anymore, I understand. I just had to tell you," he rambled, not meeting her eyes, "I can't continue lying to you and. You are the one person who's been with me through hell. You are the smile on my face. You are my best friend."

He finished his speech with a lonely tear on his check. He raised his fluorescent blue eyes to meet her watery gray ones.

When he finally gazed up, she did the only reasonable thing.

She slapped him.

"Fuck Mel, what was that for?"

"For being a doofus."

"Wait, hold up....How?" he asked finally realizing what she had said earlier.

The slap seemed to do the job, she thought to herself.

"Oh I knew. It's actually pretty obvious."

"Apparently, not to all those girls that beg me to date them," he said sarcastically.

"I'm your best friend. I notice the way you don't even flutter an eye at their cleavage."

Then, she did the one thing she desired to do since she saw that lonely tear.

She hugged him. Tightly.

He held on to her for dear life.

After a while, he broke the silence. "You know only you would make a joke out of a life changing confession," he said pretending to be insulted, but secretly savoring her acceptance.

"How could you think I would stop being friends with you?" She asked him ignoring his comment.

"I'm sorry. I thought you would hate me like everyone else will."

"I wouldn't."

"I know that now.''

She hesitantly let go of him wanting the truth.

"Tell me the real reason."

"I didn't want to come to terms with it. I'm gay Mel people will mock me for my preference. I didn't want to be unworthy, to be a joke, or a shame."

"You're not. If anyone treats you that way, I will personally be your knight in shining armor. I will defend you."

And boy at six feet tall she could do just that.

"Don't doubt for a second that I'll always love and accept you no matter what. Being gay doesn't change you. You're the same guy that held me when my puppy died," she annunciated the words so they could reach his heart.

"That's a gift I'll always treasure."

This time he did the thing that always comforted him.

He hugged her.

"I love you to the Milky Way and back," she whispered.

"Forever and ever," he continued.

"No matter what,'' she finished.

"Plus, Miles, I saw you staring at Jamison's ass."

Cue the tomato-red blush on his cheeks.

********Authors Note********

So here's the first story, I really hope you guys like it.
Don't forget to comment and vote.

I thought It'd be cool to coordinate some of the stories to wattpad campaigns. This ones for the @FreeTheLGBT.

The beautiful quote is by Brian Tracy.


Life's A Quote   (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now