Chapter 24- A flashy new Tattoo?

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44,000 READS?!?!?! and I thought I was shocked happy at 5000 reads!!! I fell kinda gooey happy right now! Ok well here's another bite for you! Love you guys hope you like it! ... On with the story!

Chapter 24- a flashy new tattoo?

****Eva's POV****

The week flew by ridiculously fast and it was already lunch time Thursday. Luke and I were both sticking to our bet pretty strongly but I knew was weakening. He's been super sweet where as I've been super sassy, and its not helping my resolve to win this one! It's killing me not to give in to him but we all remember what happened last time I lost a bet with the big gorilla. I wound up with  a womanizer Alpha mate with a god complex. Ok so he's not that bad but he used to be, trust me! 

 I was pretty sure I was right when I said by Saturday I would hit my heat. My body has been aching and burning all day and the only time I get any kind of relief is when Luke is near me.
I try to keep him from touching me cause every time he does it sends a wild fire straight through me. Even though it eases the minor pain it caused a different ache that I wasn't ready to give into yet. I could feel my temperature start to rise slowly when I was away from him and I really had no appetite, at least not for food. I couldn't keep my thoughts strait they kept running back to all the things I would do giving with him givin the chance. And I cant get it to stop....Grrr And the worst part is, this was only the start of it.
I was gonna have to figure something out and fast. His wolf was gonna sense the heat soon and that was only bound to cause problems. Especially if we are at school when he figures it out! 

"Eva, eat doll." Luke said concern thick in his voice.
"I'm not all that hungry Luke." I said softly pushing my food around on my plate.
"I haven't seen you eat more than 3 bites in 2 days. You need to eat." He said. I looked up at him and set my fork down.
"I'm just not feeling too good. It'll pass" I said softly setting my head in my hand.
"You don't look so hot there short stack. You feelin alright?" Kevin asked.
"Yea I'm fine. Just a small fever that's all" I mumbled.
I looked up at Luke who looked like he was worried sick.
"Don't worry it'll pass. I'm actually thinking about heading home early to take a nap" I said with a small smile. Luke nodded.
"Call me if you need anything." He said softly.
I nodded and picked up my bag and water as i got up. I walked past him and squeezed his shoulder lightly with my hand and sighed. He grabbed my hand and kissed my palm gently and let go,sending a blazing heat wave crashing through my arm. Damn it.
"I'll see you at home." He whispered.
I smiled. "As always." it was cute how concerned he was. But at the moment giving in scared the hell out of me.

I walked through the empty halls out the front door to my car. When I got there I scented something odd. I paused and looked around. My eyes fell on Mr. Thomas leaning against the tree. Well that explains the odd scent. I opened my door and tossed in my bag when I heard him speak.
"Skipping the rest of the day I see"
I dropped my keys on the seat and turned to him. I really wasn't in the mood to deal with his mouth but it looked like I had no choice in the matter.  
"Not that it's any of your business but I'm not feeling well and I'm only ditching one class. So go harass someone else." I snipped.
He pushed up from the tree and walked slowly to me.
"Your right it's not my business" He said with a smirk.
"I have a question for you though." He started.
"Well let's hope it's better than your last one." I popped off.
"Think your funny now do ya?" He said stopping in front of me trapping me between my car and Luke's truck. I should have just ignored him and drove away... What the fuck is wrong with me?
"Been told I am I time or two, what do you think?"
"What I think doesn't matter. My question however does."
"Then what is it?" I sighed sarcastically.
"You and downs seem to be awfully close. Could I venture to guess he's your mate?" He asked.
I stared at him blankly.
"I guess you could say that, why?" I questioned something wasn't right here and my stomach churned violently. Never a good sign, my wolf growled lowly in my head she felt something was off too... but what? I wondered.
"Well with the way he is with women I didn't expect to keep scenting the purity about you." He said with a grin. Oh shit this was not good. Something about his eyes was way off, it reminded me way too much of how Jared looked at me. I didn't want to be alone with him 
"What's it matter to you?" I questioned inching my way further in the car door.
 "Oh it doesn't matter to ME" He said.
 When a noise behind me sent chills down my spine I froze. "It matters to me sweetheart."
I was trapped there was no way to even get in the car at this point. I opened my mouth to scream when a nasty rag was stuffed over my face. I didn't have time to even try to open my mind to anyone before the foulness of the chemical registered in my mind. I tried to fight it but the foul odor had already hit my senses.
With in moments my world went black.

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