Chapter 10: The quiet one is the most dangerous

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The walk to the canteen continues in a serene atmosphere. The two teens are walking with their own pace, but still side by side.

Kasamatsu is walking in silence with a blush on his face. Sometimes stealing a glance to his younger company.

Yuki is smiling and twirling as she skips a bit. Enjoying the breezy wind of spring as she hums a joyful tone.

The canteen they arrived at is bustling with energy and bursting with students. It's lunch time after all.

Kasamatsu and Yuki stops at the entrance, looking over the obviously long queue for lunch.

Kasamatsu turns to Yuki and starts typing with a moderate pace and shows it to Yuki.

'What do you want for lunch, Yuki?'

Yuki read over the message, then she cocks her head aside, looking thoughtful. She closed her eyes a bit as she thinks.

"I want to have the same lunch as Yuki-niisan!" Yuki opened her eyes, smiling childishly.

Kasamatsu had to avert his gaze at that blinding, cute smile to avoid looking silly.

'..Thankfully, Yuki can't really hear.. If I really had to speak.. Yuki would hear me stutter again.. Ugh! Get a hold of yourself, Yukio!'

Kasamatsu is having an internal debate, all because of Yuki's childish smile, plus his tendency to act like a bumbling idiot in the presence of a female.

Despite his internal conflicts though, Kasamatsu nods, now looking Yuki. Then, Kasamatsu types again.

'Look for a place, Yuki. I'll queue, and I'll join you after.'

Yuki nods eagerly as she went off looking for a place, opening wide her babyblue orbs.

"Hmm.. There's not any good seats.." Yuki mused as she pouts, still trying to spot for seats that actually looks comfortable.

It's quite crowded since it's lunch time, and Yuki couldn't really find an empty seat, in her frustration, Heaven once again sends its gift for Yuki.

"Yukicchi!" Kise shouted as he waved his hand to catch Yuki's attention.

At the gestures Yuki noticed from the corner of her eyes instead of the painfully obvious shout, Yuki turns to look and sees that it's Kise and his teammates.

There's Hayakawa, Kobori and Moriyama sitting in one line, and Kise sitting alone in the other side with two empty seats before him.

Yuki blinks, noting the basketball players bunch. Yuki only knows Kise in that group. But being polite, she obediently follows Kise's gestures and comes closer.

"Yukicchi! Wanna join us for lunch?" Kise asked in that cheery and friendly tone of his, grinning sillily.

At least it looks silly in Yuki's eyes. His fangirls, of course, thinks differently. For his fangirls, Kise is a godsend. No more words needed.

Kise's teammates noticed the additional '-cchi' in Yuki's name calling and they raised a brow at that, skeptical. Yuki, of course didn't notice that. Riko's curse is still intact. Very much so.

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