Chapter Twelve: The Malfoy Family

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The next morning I sat on Lucy's bed, and shoock her shoulders really hard...

'' Oiii what's wrong '' she groaned

'' Nothing im just really excited about today, but I am really nervious what happeneds if everythings goes wrong like when we went to Hogsmead? ''

'' Yes but, you told him everything at Hogsmead and he acted like a prick? ''

'' Meh, good point''

I put on a black dress, it was tight a little and had a couple of ruffles on it, then a short just ubove the knee skirt wich had a couple of ruffles on it. I normally wore it on special occations, this was the first time I had woren this dress at Hogwarts.

'' Omg you look really beautiful! '' Lucy said

'' Thank you!, I would wear it to the Yule Ball but I have another dress for that.''

I walked down to the main gates to Hogwarts, then I saw Draco waiting for me. He was wearing jeans and a chavy t-shirt. So I was kind of dressed a little too posh for the occation.

'' Hey Draco '' I said nervously

He looked at me speechless. '' Hi... you look... um... beautiful... ''

'' Thank you, you look different... in a good way '' I smiled at him he smiled back. He took my hand and we walked to the Mannor.

'' Hey, your shivering? '' Draco said curiously

'' Um im just a little nervous''

'' Don't be... it will be ok, besides I want you to meet someone''

'' Who? ''

'' You'll find out. Oh and my dad might ask you to 'expeliarmious' on Dobby ok?''

'' Um ok'' poor Dobby I thought

We got to the Mannor. Draco walked in casually and said

'' Mum, Dad I have brought a friend round ok? '' Draco shouted upstairs

Lucius came walking down the stairs '' Hello Draco, and who's this? ''

'' I'm Louise '' I said firmly

'' Ahh Louise are you a Mud-Blood? or Half-Blood? ''

'' Half-Blood ''

'' Prove it! Dobby!! ''

'' Coming master '' Dobby came rushing in

'' Do a spell on Dobby... how about Expeliarmious? ''

'' Um ok'' I got out my wand and said '' EXPELIARMIOUS!''

Dobby flew accross the room, and crashed into the wall '' Oww that hurt you meeean! '' Dobby said

'' Congratulations Louise, you may stay. ''

'' Ok dad seriously now me and Louise are going upstairs now to meet Harmony ok? ''

'' Yes Draco my boy''

'' Who's Harmony? '' I said curiously

'' She's my older sister ''

'' I didn'y know you had a sister? ''

'' I don't really talk about her that much ''

'' Ok ''

'' Hello, Im Harmony and who are you? ''

'' Im Louise '' Harmony had long blonde hair, she had make-up on she was dessed like a goth but with a hint of chav to the style aswell.

'' So my lil bro Draco has a girlfriend!? ''

'' Shut-up Marnie just because Im cooler than you! ''

'' How about NO! come on Louise let me show you my room ''

I walked into Harmony's room it was black with a purple carpet, purple bed and furniture and a skull dovet cover. It was like my dream bedroom. I sat on her bed and Draco sat next to me,

'' So anyway Draco why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend? ''

Draco shrugged his shoulders acting all cool and inoccent.

'' And by the way Louise your dress is amazing! I love it! '' Harmony said

'' Thank you! it was a present for my birthday a couple of years ago ''

'' Sweet, when is your birthday? '' Harmony asked

'' The 23 of December '' I said nervously

'' Sweet dude mines the 29 of August ''

Draco put his arm round me.

'' Aww you too are so sweet together! ''

I smiled at Harmony, she smiled back

'' So Lou can I call you Lou? ''

'' Um I much prefere Louise I have never really liked the name Lou, sorry ''

'' That's cool, you can call me Marnie or Harmony. ''

'' Sweet ''

'' So anyway are you like a goth or something? ''

'' Well im par goth, part chav I sometimes wear girly things but hardly ever I supose ''

'' Sweet dude ''

'' Well Harmony we will see ya later I just going to show Louise round the place ok? ''

'' Ok whatever bro ''.

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