"I'll get off when I want to, dear Daisy." He said with annoyance in his tone.

"Wouldn't you want to go and have fun with a far more experienced girl downstairs?" He chuckled at my attempt to have him leave me be.

"But babe, what you don't know is that I've been watching you all night. I noticed you when you put your cup underneath the sink faucet to get water instead of alcohol. I didn't get to just walk up to you. But then I just finally got the chance to trap you. Like a cat with a mouse." He said into my neck.

"You take things like this as a game don't you?" I asked while standing up straight.

"Mmmm you could say that." That was when my phone started to ring. I gasped when his hands went onto my bum in search of my phone. He was unsuccessful, but he realized it was in my bra. I swatted his hand away when he went to go reach in and grab it. I got out of the space I was in and answered it.


"Yes I'll be right down." I said before hanging up. It was Sydney, telling me she was ready to go.

I started to walk away when I felt a hand tug on my elbow.

"Aren't you going to kiss me goodbye?" He said with a sly smile.

"Please, you wish." I said while tugging my arm back. I walked down the first set of stairs and came to the door. He followed me and I tugged on the door. It opened and I started squeezing through the crowds of people again. I went down the stairs and out the front door.

"Aren't you going to ask me for my name?" The boy asked while leaning against the doorframe. I kept walking and ignored him.

"My names Harry. And when can I see you again?" He asked. I turned around and started walking backwards.

"How bout never?" I said with a smile. I turned back around and kept walking.

"Goodbye Daisy." He said and I could hear the door shut which meant he went back inside. I walked up to my car and saw her leaning against it.

"Why were you talking to Harry?" She asked with a bit of nervousness on her face.

"Long story, but you know him?" I said while opening my door. She got in the car and I started the engine.

"Yeah, I do. Stay away from him... He's trouble."

I started to think about what she meant when she said that he's trouble. Is he the kind of boy that gets into fights every other week? By the looks of his arms, I'm gonna guess my theory is correct. He is probably a sex crazed maniac who gets girls drunk for a good night under the sheets. He was even trying to get in my pants tonight. And then he had said that he'd been watching me. What did he mean by that? That he had been watching me watch other people?

We arrived at our house and we both walked up to my front door. I unlocked it and walked in. She immediately went to the kitchen. Probably getting some water to balance out the ammount of alcohol she consumed tonight. Me, on the other hand, walked up my stairs in a desperate attempt to get to bed. The last thing I want to do tonight is go to bed... But I know that wont be happeneing with Sydney here. Sydney has a pinch of ADHD which means she is hyper all the time, and I'm afraid with this high amount of alcohol intake, she is gonna be bouncing off the walls.

"Hey Dais, were you planning on taking a shower, or can I take one?" Sydney asked while leaning into door-frame. I shook my head yes, and turned on my fairy lights. I then grabbed my computer and placed it on top of my bed. I went into my dressers and got out a pair of black leggings that go up to my knees, and a pink tank top. I threw my hair up into a top knot and got into bed. I then started going through my tumblr. I have a hipster account and there are some amazing Polaroid pictures on here... I should probably introduce myself...

Hi, I am Daisy Lee. I live in a house with my best friend Sydney May, who I've known since I was four. We both live in the heart of London, but moved here from America with her parents when both of mine died in a car crash when I was seven. I'm basically adopted, but not really. I have curly brown hair and piercing teal eyes. I look just like my mom, but no one really knows what she looked like here. I miss my mom a lot, but I've learned to live without her. I grew up being the quiet one out of the dynamic duo that consisted of Sydney and I. I was more into books and music, when she was more into soccer and track and field. But we became the best of friends from the start and we were inseparable. I go to school Monday- Thursday at UNI from 8-1, and then after school I work at a record store downtown from 2-4. I know it's a long day, but my portion of the bills are always paid, and I get Friday- Sunday off, which is good. I then have lots of time to read and listen to new records that this guy down the street gives to me. He is always getting in new records and whenever he has doubles or ones that he doesn't want, he gives them to me. I like this because everything that he doesn't listen to, I listen to. We have completely opposite kinds of music taste. I listen to more Indie-Pop/ Indie-Rock. He likes more of that hardcore 80's music... I think. I've never really taken a look at his collection before.

I went and put on a record and decided to go to sleep. I have classes tomorrow, and then work which I'm not really looking forward to because Flynn isn't going to be there. Flynn is my co-worker... Correction; Flynn is my really hot co-worker, who just so happens to be single and is just like me. He wears those tank tops that show off his tan body, a beanie, a pair of cargo shorts, and TOMS or Vans. He loves Vinyl records and even offered for me to come to his house to listen to his collection! Let's just say, I freaked out inside. But, I also know that I could never have a boyfriend. I just don't have time for it. He is really sweet and everything, but if it ever came down to it, I would have to say no... I've never really had a boyfriend anyways... I know. Sad right? But I've never really had interest or time for boys. I have always been too focused on my books.

I set my alarm for 7AM and went to sleep thinking about wonderful Vinyl records and books beyond my wildest dreams...


Thank you for reading my first chapter :) I hope you liked it! Check out my other books too! I hope this book gets far, and maybe even beat the record of my top book! Oh well...

Btw, the song that is played in this chapter is called Towers by Bon Iver... This is the song that Daisy put on in Harrys room. I would put it on the side but Wattpad is being retarded for some reason and is refusing to allow me to put the video on the side. Oh well... LOOK UP THE SONGGG

Lol its about college dorms, virginity, and drinking wine. Whoops. c;




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