Bottle o' Love

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"I don't love him in that way."

The words that stained Jimmy's memories. He sighed and took another swig of his Jack Daniels.

Knock knock


Robert again.

"Jimmy.. are you sure you're okay? You've been in there for almost 4 hours now."

Had it really been 4 hours? He looked around him and saw close to 7 bottles in the room. Some standing up, some lying down, some smashed into peices from him throwing it at the door as a warning to leave him alone or because of his anger. Anger at himself. He was upset about a straight man saying he doesn't love another straight man in that way. Jimmy jumped at the voice at the door.


"What do you want! Sod off! I told you to leave me alone!"

Then there was silence.

Robert sighed and the silence felt like it was going to last forever.

"Please.. Just forgive me if i did something. Don't keep yourself cooped up in that room either. Just.. come out soon."

As Robert spoke these words, Jimmy raised to the bottle to his lips to find it was empty. To which he threw at the door.

"Leave me alone!"

Robert backed away from the door and muttered under his breath. Then walked away sadly.

Jimmy opened another. Then another. Until he couldn't even look at anything without it looking doubled. He groaned and let his head hit the table, passing out.


Robert sat in the living room. The last thing Jimmy spoke to him couldn't stop ringing in his ears. "I'm gonna be in my room. Do not disturb me."

Robert looked down then at the clock. it'd been an hour. Jimmy had about 100 beers in that room. And Robert knew well he'd attempt to drink every last one if he was that upset. So he went to Jimmys door and knocked softly.

"Jimmy, it's me. You okay?"

He didn't get a clear answer but he was sure the sound of glass smashing against the door meant "go away"

Robert sighed and left going to his room. Before he knew it, two hours had passed. He decided to try again and all he got was a slurred "Leave me the hell alone"

Robert knew the idiot was probably drunk as shit. He was worried but left. Another hour passed and Robert was overly worried and maybe a bit too much but that's his best friend and he loves him. So he walked up to the door. Again. Smashing of glass. By then he was kind of pissed at Jimmy but understood he needed his time alone. It was 9 before Robert checked on Jimmy again. Maybe it was something he said during the interview. Whatever it was, it was almost driving him wild.

'Knock knock'




He opened the door quietly and found Jimmy on the floor. He sprinted over to him and looked at all the bottles. At least 15.

"You idiot." Robert mumbled as he picked Jimmy up. He carried him to his bed and layed him on his back. He decided to stay there just in case. He canceled his date, VERY hot date. But Jimmy needed him right now. Robert watched Jimmy sleep and wondered what could have set him off. He sighed and ran his hand down Jimmys back and through his hair. Something Jimmy would never do if he was concious. It didn't matter how much Robert denied it. To himself and the interviewers. He loved Jimmy. Maybe in that way. But Jimmy's straight. And so is Robert. At least, he's pretty sure. He loved women. But there was something about Jimmy. Almost irresistable. Before he knew it he was placing a tiny, pucker-free kiss onto the guitarists back. Robert paused there for a second and looked to the mess of hair facing away from him. Jimmy was snoring softly and looked so peaceful. Robert smiled. He knew. He had hopeslessly fallen for his bandmate and best friend. He sat up right and moved his hand over the gutarists back.


"Ughnng.." Jimmy fought to open his eyes as he felt himself awakening. When he finally did he rolled over onto his back to see Robert smiling at him.

"Have enough to drink?" Robert smirked looking at the guitarist.

"Robert? nng.. What're you doing in my room?" He asked, too hungover to sound angry.

"Well, i thought letting you sleep on the floor would give you horrible neck pains and we can't have that." Robert said handing him a smoothie.

"M.. Thanks.." He sipped the smoothie and set it next to him, almost dropping the glass. Robert was still smiling at Jimmy.

"What're you looking at me like that for?" Jimmy asked. Robert just grinned wider and sat next to Jimmy. He didn't reply. He thought maybe a kiss could be a way to say "I love you in that way." He leaned into Jimmy, his heart racing. Jimmy just looked at Robert, unsure of what to do. What was Robert doing? Robert stopped in inch away from Jimmys mouth and looked into his eyes. Jimmy looked back into his with deeper uncertainty. Then Roberts lips collided with his. Jimmy was feeling so much. Surprise. Wonder. Excitement. Love. He undulged the kiss further. Opening his mouth to lick at Roberts top lip. Robert understood and opened his mouth letting Jimmys tongue snake through. Time stood still. That moment struck nothing but felt like everything. Robert slipped his tongue under Jimmys and kissed him deeper and ran his fingers down Jimmys exposed chest. It was a slow but sure part from they're lips. Robert look at Jimmy, his face going a good foot away. Although nothing was being said, they knew exactly what both of them were saying. "I love you in that way."


Robert looked at the back of his bandmate and sighed. Again he though of what it could be. He didn't give away anything too big. He thought deeper. It struck him. Like lighting. He froze and his mouth gaped open and his eyes widened. Robert now knew.

"Jimmy.. I love you." He whispered. And i'll show you when you wake up. So he got up, made the smoothie and sat back down. Waiting for his love to awaken. He couldn't help but smile at this discovery. No more hiding. It wasn't the gender. It was the person. And he happened to be a man. But he loved him either way. Jimmy Page. His best friend, guitarist, and love.



"I love you, Jimmy. I don't care if i sound queer. I love you in that way."

Jimmy smiled so big and hugged Robert tightly.

"I love you too, you golden git."

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