Chapter 8

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Hey guys I'll try and keep this short because I know you have been waiting for sooo long to read the next chapter. I am sorry for such a late update. I was very busy with exams and stuff and just before exams even started my laptop broke and I only just got it back a couple of weeks ago so bear with me, there is more to come. Enjoyy :)

*= = = = = THANKS FOR READING :-) = = = = = *

Chapter 8


This can't be happening, I think. This can't be happening. I shut my eyes tightly and open them again only to discover I'm standing in complete darkness. No I can't do this right now. My hands are trembling.

"Please God let this be a horrible dream." I whisper, clasping my hands tightly, under my chin.

No matter what I do I can't stop what's going to happen next. I know what is coming and I can't stop it. My mouth is dry and I feel like I can't breathe. My heart beat becomes more rapid I don't move. I'm so scared, I can feel my heart beat getting faster and faster and that's when the images come flooding back. That was when I stopped struggling, I gave in, reliving the worst day of my life.


Just when I think things can't get any worse I get proven wrong. I stand there in the darkness shocked at the turn of events. I am such an idiot I should not have touched Maria. But I just couldn't help myself. If anyone had walked in at that moment, this situation would have gone from bad to worse. But when I went over to apologise to her, she was crying, she looked so vulnerable. I wanted to do everything in my power to just make her smile, especially since I was the reason she was so upset. Dammit to be precise it's not even my fault. I sigh, if only she would just listen.

I hear Maria gasp; oh shit I hope she's not afraid of the dark or anything. She sounds like she's struggling to breathe. Crap. What am I supposed to do? What if she's having an asthma attack? Hoping she won't attack me, I cross the short distance between us easily tentatively. I reach out and feel her hair, I grab her shoulders.

"Maria, are you ok?" I say to her.

Shit, she's trembling really badly. She is shaking so bad I'm surprised she's able to stand. Not knowing what else to do, I shake her hard, trying to get her to talk but there is no response. Come on Saud think. What could be causing this? If she was struggling to breathe she would have called for help, I think. So it can't be an asthma attack. Wait a minute is she scared of the dark? Yes that has to be it, I think, trying not to panic. Maria needs some-one and right now I'm the only one here so I need to help her.

I put a hand on her cheek, I'm surprised she hasn't pushed me away or slapped me yet. Something is seriously wrong. I need to calm her breathing, she is hyperventilating the last thing I need is her fainting on me in the dark. Holding her face in both of my hands I step closer to her.

I stop as I feel something bump against my chest. I think it's her hand. I reach out and confirm my suspicions. Her hands are in a fist, they are so cold. I hold them tenderly, rubbing gently to get them warm. I am standing close to her I can feel her body quivering. I feel like shaking her and telling her to snap out of it. But I know it is not that easy. I move my head closer to her right side; I can feel her hair against my cheek. It is so soft, it feels like silk. It smells even better. I brush my nose against her hair and inhale her scent.

I whisper reassuring words into her ear, it doesn't seem to make a difference but I continue to do it anyway. I don't know how long we stand there, so close together, but finally she starts to relax in my arms. I breathe a sigh of relief. Thank God that was scary.

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