I'm here for you, Male trans! Reader

Start from the beginning

When you made it home, your parents weren't there. You were lucky because you didn't want to hear their nagging right now. You laid on your bed, you wanted to cry but no tears came out. All that came out was a dry sob. You laid to the side and fell asleep. 

You woke up to the sound of rain on the roof. You looked out expecting to see the usual midnight blue sky that only allowed the tiniest rays of remaining sunlight to break through. There was no such sky in sight. It wasn't there just like your hope. You got up and walked out to go get some food. Your mum and dad were sitting at the table. They're head perked up at the sound of footsteps.

"Honey, come sit down." You took a little step back, this couldn't be good. You went and sat down at the table after you gained the courage. "We spoke about your transition... We decided that we can't support it. We want you to move out." You sat with your mouth hung open. They were kicking you out. "You have until next week." A tear slid down her cheek as your father comforted her. You envied her, she was able to cry, but you also felt hurt that she would do this to you. You ran out of the house, it was like 2 years ago, only it was worse this time. 

You stood in the pouring rain. You were 10 minutes away from your house. You continued walking. After another 10 minutes, you stopped and looked up at the sky. You let the rain stream down your face. It was a replica of tears, it was the closest you could get to crying. You dropped to your knees. You just didn't care at the moment. 

"What are you doing?" The voice sounded concerned. You moved your eyes so they locked with the strangers. You recongised them eyes. You had briefly looked into them before. "You'll catch a cold out here like this."

"Like I care." You mumbled it but he heard it. 

"Well, I care." He placed down his umbrella and slowly picked you up. He then grabbed the umbrella with his hand. "Mind holding this?" You took hold of it. He started walking. You wondered where you were going but then you shrugged it off as if you didn't care.

You reached what you assumed to be his house. He put you down slowly and unlocked the door. He lead you in. He then disappeared and came back with towels, he dried your hair for you. Why was he so caring?

"So tell me, what happened?" This took you by surprise. No one really cared about your problems anymore. "You don't have to tell me, but I would like to know and I am here to listen."

"Why are you doing this? Why are you being so kind?" He was still drying your hair.

"I'm always this kind and because I care. Is that so wrong?" You sighed in defeat, what's the harm, right?

You explained everything to him from the bullying to your home situation. 

"That's simple. I'll just have to protect you at school and you can come live with me. I live alone, company won't hurt." Was this all a joke?

"A-are you s-serious?" You turned to face him.

"Of course." He was smirking. It looked natural on him. "But I do have a condition. You have to date me."

Your face became pale. "I-I-I don't even know your name!"

"I'm Kuroo and you are?"

"(L/N) (C/N), but why me?" You looked away.

"Why you what?" He tried to look at you in the eyes.

"Why would you want to date someone like me?" You couldn't understand it.

He grabbed your chin to make you look at him. "Why wouldn't I want a handsome boyfriend like you?" You felt your cheeks burn. 

"F-fine." You agreed. 

You ended up staying the night at his. In the morning, it was a Saturday and you didn't have school so you went and packed your stuff with his help. You had loaded everything into his car and got ready to leave. You didn't look at your parents, you didn't even say good-bye. You simply left without a word spoken or a glance exchanged. All the rest of the day, you unpacked. You went to bed early with Kuroo. It was easy to fall asleep cuddled up to Kuroo. Sunday was an easy day and you both went to the cafe together and then went home and watched television together.

Kuroo woke you up and got you ready. You both walked to school together as it wasn't far away. When you got in, all eyes were on you. You heard the whisper of everyone commenting on the occurrence. You even got death glares from some girls.

Kuroo leaned down. "Ignore them, I'll protect you." You nodded and then the same two boys from Friday stopped both of you.

"Kuroo, what do you think you're doing with that loser?" He got a flamey aura around him to show his displeasure at the statement.

His voice was deep and scary, "You'll take those words back and you will never tease my boyfriend again or I'll make sure that you won't ever see the light of day again." The boys flinched and ran away. Kuroo looked to you smirking. He then leaned down and stole a kiss. 


Too OOC? Sorry! Hope you enjoyed  

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