They were sitting in the back of the large dressing room. It was Wednesday morning and Usher had stormed to Adam’s trailer an hour previous, at eight in the morning. He had demanded that they talk. Adam really saw no chance but to agree. However, he requested to do so in the morning because his head was already swimming when he got offstage last night. Thankfully, Usher complied. Now here he was, after explaining the situation with him falling for Shakira and her becoming upset because she didn’t want to hurt her boyrfriend. He had spilled about sitting around the corner the whole time and then barging into her room after the two left. Usher paced, and Adam couldn’t help but flash back to the night before when Blake was doing the same thing outside Shakira’s dressing room.

“I didn’t say anything because I thought it would just get more complicated if there were more people involved. The only reason Blake knew is because Shakira went to him for comfort, which is understandable. He is a comforting guy. I figured the less people, the less drama, the smaller of a chance the problem got out to the public.”

“So you’re saying you can’t trust me?” Adam felt bad; he didn’t want Usher to see it like that, because he really did trust him. But how do I make him realize this? He had an idea, but doing so would risk jeopardizing his new relationship with Shakira if he said something.

“I trust you. Do you want proof?” Adam stared at Usher intently. A moment passed, then he nodded slowly.

Taking a deep breathe, he prepared himself for the worst. “Blake doesn’t know. I wasn’t planning on telling even him.” He paused and looked down, reluctant to utter the words, almost sacred to him. “She said she loved me.”

Usher was silent for a moment, and Adam felt like screaming. He didn’t want to say anything, but felt Usher deserved it after being left out of the loop for weeks. He sighed, and Adam looked at him expectantly.

It wasn’t until right then that something Usher said the night before flooded into Adam’s mind and his blood began rushing in his ears.

“Usher, you mentioned you overheard Shakira talking to Piqué last night. What did you hear exactly?”

It was Usher’s turn to look reluctant to talk. Adam knew he had something to say.


“I’m not sure what they were talking about. I only came by halfway through their conversation, and it was hard to hear because I was around the corner. From what I did hear, the jerk was drilling her about her relationship with you and Blake. He is one jealous person. He said he saw you two hugging, and her and Blake whispering together. She was pissed. She just kept denying everything, called him a jealous bastard, and stormed away with her son. I didn’t see any movement in her trailer this morning, and her car didn’t leave here last night. Either she is still sleeping, which would be odd for her, or she left last night and didn’t come back. How the hell are you two going to manage a relationship behind her boyfriend’s back? I just don’t see it as possible.”

Adam had wondered the same thing ten times over, but always landed on the same question. What relationship? What kind of relationship could we have that is anything closer than the current one that won’t alert a single person? He pondered this the whole night as he tossed and turned, sleep evading him until four in the morning. Then he had only gotten a handful of hours before Usher appeared.

Adam wasn’t happy with Piqué. He had no right to get angry with Shakira; so what if she came in contact with other men? It wasn’t like she was sleeping with them. However, the thought had slipped into Adam’s mind each time he was alone with her. He dismissed that; Gerard had seen nothing to prove Shakira was interested in anyone else besides himself. Yet he went and yelled at her for it? Adam wanted to call that overprotective, but, picturing himself in his shoes, might have done something similar if not to that degree. She did have a tendency to hang on Blake too much, and used to with Adam. Maybe it was noticeable.

Forbidden Desires (A Shadam Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें