Attack On The Helicarrier

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Thor helped me to my feet

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Thor helped me to my feet. I hissed in pain as I straightened. A jaggered shard of glass as big Thor's bicep was embedded into my side. His eyes flicked to it.

"We must get that out," he concluded.

The Helicarrier shuddered. A roar followed. The beast was unleashed. The Hulk was free.

"There's no time," I wheezed. "You're the only one strong enough to defeat the Hulk. You have to get down there."

"Are you—"


Thor didn't hesitate again, and dashed out of the destroyed lab.

Now, I'd experienced a lot of things regarding pain. I'd been shot, stabbed, tortured, starved, nearly drowned, nearly suffocated, stuck in explosions, and almost trampled by goats (don't ask about the last one; long story).

This pain was equally excruciating. I couldn't take out the shard in fear of the amount of blood that I'd lose. I'd help defend the Helicarrier before I'd help myself.

I stumbled out of the lab, pain bouncing around my body like a pinball in a pinball machine. With a hand gripping my side, I made my way to the bridge.

"Get her!"

As I turned, a rogue soldier slammed into me. That mingled with the pain in my side was absolute agony. As we fell, I rested my feet on his chest and pushed up, sending him flying over my head. I generated a portal underneath me and I fell through. I landed painfully on an enemy soldier in the bridge, knocking him out cold. I yelped as I rolled off the body. I felt the shard go deeper into my side.

"You okay, Andi?" Hill asked, lowering her weapon.

"Fine," I grumbled as I struggled to my feet. "Just peachy."

There was a sudden explosion, blowing up a computer station and sending agents over the railing. Another one followed. I watched as an arrow flew into a nearby station, embedding itself into it. The screens snapped to static. 

The Helicarrier groaned. It began to dip. We were falling out of the sky! With the engines failing and Thor and Hulk smashing around in the hanger, we weren't going to stay in the air for much longer.

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