Another guy stood up holding a short dark girls hand. She had dark hair and a lithe frame but under long eye lashes shone hazle eyes filled with patientce. "I'm ginnie." She said, she was a very good looking girl but her voice was in one syllable... sexy.

The guy holding her hand had spiky blonde hair and a light stuble across his angular chin he wore framed glasses his eyelashes brushing against the lens. "Hi." He said making Ginnie roll her eyes. "This is Brice, he's my mate." She said laying a hand across her slightly bulging stomach.

"Congratulations." Tina said her eyes soft. Ginnie smiled and looked down, Brice laid his hand across her stomach in his own little world.

All that was left was two guys who looked at Tina skeptically. The first stood and limped over, Tina noticed his leg was bloody his pants torn.

"He said the wrong thing at the wrong time, a savage attacked him." Bree said and Tina walked forward and kneeled. "Don't worry... I want to help." She said and looked at his leg, even with his excelled healing he looked terrible. A wolf had bit him bits of bone showed. His leg was swollen the edges an unatural yellow color and around that bruising, puss glazed over the wounds and Tina's eyes filled with tears.

What kind of asshole would leave a man like this? "Some sort of poison... neutralized his fast healing.

Tina snapped her head up with worried eyes, just how powerful had these rouges become?

"I was sent here to have dinner with... gavv? Garv?" Tina said not bothering to remember his name.

But Darius knew who she spoke of, his arms tightened around Bree and her face became deathly pale.

"Gravv?" Bree asked in a whisper barely audible even to Tina." Maybe, I came to return a man his mate... she is being held captive here." Tina said and some haggered looking women cried out, her eyes where wide, hopeful. "Walt? Walt made it alive?!" She cried happily. Tina nodded figuring this was the mate. "Yes he came of with little more then a bite on his spine... he attacked us." Tina said and the women sniffled. "Even though he attacked you? You would still help us?" She asked and Tina nodded. "Yes everyone deserves a chance." Tina told her softly. "My name is Alice. Thank you so much." She said and Tina nodded before standing up and walked toward the door and slipped out, she turned to the door bell and kept ringing it until she saw the rouge from the time down were Johnny was imprisoned, her lip curled with contempt making the man laugh delightedly with amusement, he knew she wouldn't disappoint.

"Hello beloved." He said a smile on his face, the term of endearment shocked Tina, who was this weirdo?

"Please come, dinner is served." Gravv said and Tina glanced at Alice. She motioned for Gravv to lead the way.

He walked to the dinning room. The table was served with elegant foods down its length, the table cloth was a crusty white, the room was lit with a dim glow, several candle sticks flickered throwing shadows about the room. Altogether it looked dark and foreboding.

But Tina noticed with slight curiosity she didn't feel a bit out of place.

Somehow it seemed..... comforting? Whatever the reason Tina didn't care.

She sat down to were Gravv indicated, which just so happened to be next to his own chair at the head of the table.

"I thought you were an underling, how did you end up in this position?" Tina asked propping her chin on her hand.

"Simple, I killed the former leader." He said, Tina looked up horrified her eyes wide making him chuckle. "In a fair duel of course." He waved in her face to make sure she understand.

She narrowed her eyes at him and sighed. "I'm going to be frank with you. I want you to free Alice to me... and I would like to take Bree and her friends with me." She said looking into his eyes.

He could have swore deep in her eyes he saw a shadow of the moon, the power quivering, barley surpressed.

He shivered with delight, and a spick of lust.

His eyes grew dark and he nodded. "Alright, what you ask is yours... but please at least eat." He said motioning his hand across the table, Tina nodded and served herself a plate.

Gravv just stared at her creeping her out to the max, this rouge... is messed up in the head. Tina thought and tess chuckled.

After the meal Tina went straight to were she had found Bree the first time. Gravv followed after her like a lost puppy.

"Come on the lot of you, I'm taking you somewhere safe." Tina told them softly, Bree looked hopefull she helped the wounded guy up and Gina tossed her the keys.

"How will I know what car?" Bree asked and Tina chuckled. "Trust me you will know, its hard to miss." Tina told her and Bree nodded after Tina made sure every one was safely out the door she turned skeptically to Gravv.

"I will be seening you sood dearest." He said and kissed her hand, pivoted on his feet and walked up the stairs.

Tina warily stalked out to the car glanced anxiously everywhere.

When she sat down in the running car and pulled out of the driveway Bree spoke again. "That was a lot easier then I thought it would be." Bree said realived and Tina's hands clenched the steering wheel. She had to force herself not to break it.

Bree had said the words Tina had been dreading. "Your right it was easy... far to easy." Tina said a lump in her throat.

It was far, far to easy.

My mate rejected me. Bad move.Where stories live. Discover now