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Of all the women on earth why did I choose a Nun?

It was 3:30am when I woke up from a fitful sleep. The moon was barely visible from my window. I got up, walked across my room to the study area. I picked up my notepad and recorded some random thoughts. A thought escaped me, in relation to the lecture I had to give on Development Communication at the university in three days. I settled to writing after a warm cup of Milo and a slice of buttered bread. I spent the next hour putting my notes together and reading journals from the web.

A quick look at the clock indicated 5:00am. I put on my shoes, wore a warm jacket and left the house. I needed to clear my thoughts. I walked past the poor lake, towards the playground picking up speed as the dawn approached and took the last turn to the church.

The click of heels on the street was unusual, the silence was eerie, and the moon was on this night hidden by thunder clouds. I saw a stream of young women, serious and in modest attire crossing the road. I stepped away to let them pass just as the rain clouds dumped their weight on the cold earth.

There was no place for me to hide. I thought of the church but realised it was not appropriate. I would have been lost, since I was not particularly comfortable in the company of women. As if to read my thoughts, a young Nun, about twenty-two years old, walked to me and offered me shelter in the church.

I quickly declined saying: 'I live next door.'

She laughed and said, 'I think you meant to say you live next to Jesus because I see no apartments here. You're on the grounds of the Convent.'

I smiled nervously, thanked her and hurried home. Above the wailing wind, i could hear her scream a name, a name that never reached my ears. I stood afar, watching as they entered the chapel. It was pitch black outside - but inside, the chapel is candescent as more than one hundred women kneel and pray and fill the soaring sanctuary with their songs of praise.

A few elderly sisters sit in wheelchairs, but most of these sisters have unlined faces and are bursting with energy. Watching them, you wonder what would coax these young women to a strict life of prayer, teaching, study and silence.

And did they always want to be nuns?

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