Chapter Seventeen

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Louis woke up the next morning in his old bedroom. His cheeks were dry with tears stains and his throat hurt. He replayed the event that happened last night in his head and surely enough, the tears started to fill his eyes again. How could Harry do that? Charlie was right, Harry was dangerous.

It was almost as if Louis' heart was made to be broken.

He cant remember running to his mothers house, but he's glad he did. He just felt empty. Half of him was missing, and maybe never coming back. He never knew he needed a person to be himself. He would always be half a heart without Harry.

It was as if Harry individually tore every part of his heart out and crushed the pieces one by one. He couldn't even describe the feeling. Empty. Blank. Hollow. Everything he needed, he got from Harry. But that was all gone now.

"Lou honey, can I come in?" His mother knocked.

Louis quickly wiped away his tears and called back a small yes as his mother walked in.

"Oh darling, come here." She pulled Louis into her arms and he couldn't help but cry and cry.

"He cheated. Right in front of my eyes" Louis cried and Jay wiped away her sons tears.

"Im so sorry Louis. I thought he really was the one. Is it over?"

" too. I- I dont know, maybe." Louis sniffled.

"Someday you're gonna look back on this moment of your life as such a sweet time of grieving. You'll see that you were in mourning and your heart was broken, but your life was changing Lou...It will get better honey. Promise."

"Yeah...I guess some times...some times our hearts just- just...crack a little" Louis said in the sweetest and tiniest voice ever. Almost as if he were a 5 year old losing their balloon in the wind.

"Oh sweetheart, come here." Jay pulled Louis into her arms. His body was weightless. Lifeless. "I wish you were a little boy again, scrapped knees are sure easier to fix than a broken heart."

Louis smiled a little. Love can be magic. But magic is only an illusion.

And even though it hurt. Louis was strong.

Once he had put the pieces back together, even though they may look intact, it would never be quite the same as before, but he could still try.


It wasn't Harrys fault. He kept telling himself. He knew he didn't kiss back, he tried to push her away. He was innocent.

He watched Louis run into the darkness last night. He thought he would come home and Louis would be tucked up in bed sleeping it off. But he only came back to a cold and empty bed. Just like his heart in all honesty.

It was like he was stuck in motion. Nothing was moving. His heart had stopped. His Lou, gone. Maybe it was over? Harry didn't know. He hoped not. But he knew hope was doomed by now.

He didn't sleep last night. His body didn't function. He locked himself in the house for the past 3 days. He called, texted, even knocked on Louis mothers house. Only to have no answers.

On the fourth night, he didn't sleep either. He was always thinking of Louis in his sleepless, solitude nights. If it was wrong to love Louis, then he gathered his heart just wouldn't let him be right. He was drowned, and he couldn't pull through without Louis by his side.

Thats how it felt, being away from Louis. Like he was drowning. Being pulled into a deep dark whirlpool. But not even trying to escape. More like embracing the pain he seemed to deserve.

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