Chapter 1

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Like the usual I was doing my morning run. Training for track season. I will make my last year of highschool great. I turn down Olive street. As soon as I turn the corner I run straight into Niall Horan.

I fell straight on my ass. "Oh my God I am so sorry!" He said in a deep Irish accent "No it's my fault, I should of watched where I was going" I muttered back shyly. He's so hot. Why is he talking to me? He reached out his hand to pull me up. brushing the dirt off of me I ask him "What are you doing out this early?" acknowledging the fact its 6:30 am "I like to walk around the neighborhood when it's quiet" he responded.

Trying to continue my run without being rude I gave him my number. "If you ever need help studying or a friend or anything text me" he read it, put it in his pocket looked up at me and smiled. "Thanks" he said quietly.

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