O n e- Maya~Finding Out

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Massively Edited✔️

I trembled while walking to the pharmacy.

My legs were shaking, my head was spinning, and I felt like throwing up.

I entered the store and slowly walked to the isle with the pregnancy tests.

There were so many different brands.

"Why did I even do this with him?" I thought to myself.

I nervously gripped my fingers around a small, rectangle shaped, cardboard box.

I quickly put my hands behind my back, so that no one I knew would see the dreadful thing I was buying.

I slipped the test onto the counter as subtly as possible.

The lady gave me a disapproving look.

I felt so ashamed.

Why didn't I feel this way when he saw me without clothes?!

A single tear rolled down my cheek like a river, held back by the floodgates.

I couldn't hold it back any longer.

The tears were streaming down my face.

She handed me the bag and I ran home as quickly as I could.
------------- At Home.

This was the longest 5 minutes of my life!

I was pacing around the room with my palms pressed against each other.

I peak over a bit to look at the test. There before me were two pink lines.


My life is over.

Authors note
Hey!!! First chapter!! ❤️👍🙈
If u guys don't know this is a Lucaya fan fiction.
It's Lucas and Maya on girl meets world
It's fine if u don't know how they are U can still read it will still make sence.
Sorry it's short!

The Best Mistake| L u c a y aHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin