Chapter 4

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Shaking. That's how I'm awoken, but it's not my dad this time, it's the plane. Oh my god I'm gonna die! I shoot up and look like a mad women trying to figure out what it was.

"Mia calm down it's just the plane." My dad assures me.

I start breathing again and look out the window. The plane is landing and it's time for a new life. I grab my phone and start heading down the isle to get off this damn plane.

I step off and imedietly regret not bringing my sunglasses. The sun is shining so bright I feel like I'm melting. As I walk inside of the airport, I'm hit with a cold blast of air and instantly relieved.

I meet up with my dad to wait for our luggage. As I'm standing there a question pops into my head.

"Dad?" I ask quietly.

"What is it Mia?"

"We do have a place to live right?" At first he doesn't say a word. He stares out into space for a little bit then he turns to me and finally starts to speak.

"Yes of course we do. Its in a nice neighborhood, the realtor said that there are many families in the neighborhood. You'll love it, everything is going to work out."

I finally spot our bags and run to go grab them. My dad follows me and grabs the rest, I pull up the bar on the bag and did the same with the other. We start walking out the door and again we are in the scorching heat.

My dad called the cab which is going to take forever.

I go and sit on a bench and wait. I look over and see a young attractive guy sitting on the other bench. He looks to be about maybe 19, we exchanged glances and I have to admit he's someone that I would go for.

He's got pretty blue eyes, dark brown hair that's swooped up in the front. Just as I'm about to be extremely bold and go and talk to him a pretty blonde sits down and puts her hand on his knee. Well there goes that plan.

I mentally slap myself for even entertaining the idea that he would even talk to me.

As I sit there slapping myself over and over in my head, the taxi cabs pulls up. We load everything into the trunk of the cab and we get in the backseat. My dad tells him the address and I lean my head up against the window and pray that it's different here.


The car pulls up to this white house, it's not big but its not small either. It has a big oak door, the flower beds are blooming with many native flowers, whatever grows here. I step out of the car and walk up to the front door leaving my dad to get the rest of the stuff. As I'm walking my dad yells up at me.

"Mia catch!"

I'm thrown a keychain, and I'm guessing its the one to the house. I walk in and see that is already furnished. Ascending up the stairs, I walk into the room on the left and find a poster bed with white sheets, a black comforter, and it's covered in pillows. Just how I like it.

My dad brings in the suitcases and leaves them at the front of my bed.

"Hey Mia, go take this money to the cab driver." He says as he hands my a wad of cash. I walk outside and hand the driver the money. As I turn around I run into a hard chest, as a reflex I scream.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry I didn't mean to frighten you."

Looking up to see who spoke to me I see a mop of curly hair. Dressed in a torn up misfits shirt, black skinny jeans and a plaid shirt wrapped around his waist. I can tell he's quite attractive and because of this I can barely speak.

"I-uh it's f-fine." Great going Mia look like a stuttering idiot.

"I'm Ashton. I live next door."

Yeah I updated. I know it took a while but I've been super busy trying to plan for college. I'm going to try to be updating more frequently I just don't feel quite motivated to write. I know my writing is not that good but I'm trying. If you could vote and comment it would be great and very motivating

Thanks for taking time out of your day to read my story.

Please vote and comment it's the only way I'll know that you guys actually like this story.

Thank you!!

P.s Patrick Dempsey is who I imagined as Mia's father

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