Sniper x Reader {II}

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Requested by @VexDeathmoon. Hope ya enjoy!


"Bloody hell..."Sniper grumbles as he sat in the rec-room.

Demo was being loud as hell which annoyed Sniper. Medic was conducting experiments on Heavy and Medic telling Heavy jokes and thundering laughter would be heard which also annoyed Sniper. Soldier was yelling at Scout which annoyed Sniper even more. Spy was in his smoking room, away from everyone. And Pyro was sitting near the fireplace(And if there isn't just pretend).

The noise was what annoyed Sniper. He missed being in his van. Away from everyone. Just so he could get some peace and quiet. But winter had to come along and ruin the whole thing.

"Bloody wintah."He grumbled crossing his arms.

You come walking in and sit right next to Sniper.

"Heya, Snipes!"You say cheerfully.

Sniper just grumbles something under his breath.

"How's it going?"

Sniper doesn't say anything but make a straight face in annoyance.

"I was thinking maybe we should bake cookies. We'll make your favorite. Sugar cookies!"You say trying to cheer him up.

He still doesn't say a thing.





"Sniiiiipeeeerrrr...."You say poking his cheek.




"Oh for fucks sake SNIPER!"You yell shaking him by his shoulders.

"WHAT IS IT?!"He yells back.







"STOP. YELLING!"Scout says.

"SHUT UP!"You and Sniper say at the same time to Scout.

"Know what?"You throw your hands up in the air,"I don't get why you're so pissed off about, Snipes. Every single damn year you're like this. You're lucky enough to have someplace warm to stay at. And if you don't like staying here with your friends. Your teammates. Then just go back in your van and freeze to death."You say walking off pissed off now.

"Foine! Bettah than staying here woith all your noise!"He says angrily walking off. He grabs his jacket and hat. He walked out of the base and it was snowing pretty badly. Big gusts of wind blew. Sniper held onto his arms rubbing them to keep warm.

"W-Where the bloody h-hell is my van?"He mumbles to himself as he walked through the snow. The snow only went up to his knees as he trudged threw it trying to find his van.

He eventually finds it. He gets in his van. He closes his door and turns on his oil lamp. The bright but low light glows around the inside of his van. He breathed heavily, seeing his own breath.

He waited for a couple of minutes, and it was still cold. Sniper then finds himself shivering. He thought back to the argument between you and him. He knew you were trying to cheer him up. But, your cheering up didn't help him at all.

"Bloody hell..."He grunts as he turned off his oil lamp and gets out of his van. He trudged through the snow back to the base. He looks through the window and sees you all gathered around the fireplace.

Demoman sat in the center making hand motions. Almost looking like he was telling a story. Spy stood leaned against the fireplace listening to the story. Medic, you, and Heavy sat on the couch. Scout sat on the floor with his legs crossed next to Pyro. Soldier was standing behind the couch with his arms crossed and standing up straight. Engineer comes in with a tray of mugs of hot chocolate.

They all take it with a thank you.

Back inside. Engineer looks around,"Hey. Has anyone seen Sniper?"

You look at your mug of hot chocolate. You felt guilty for yelling at Sniper. You knew he was pissed off. And you just wanted to cheer him up,"I think he went back to his van..."

"Back to his van?"Engineer asks,"But it's cold out there."

Then the doors open. Sniper comes walking in shivering like crazy.

"Dummkopf! Vat vere you zinking of going out zere in zee kold?"Medic asks him and grabbed a heavy blanket and putting it over Sniper.

"Oi d-don't know..."He says shivering. Engineer hands him his mug of hot chocolate,"Here. Take this. This'll make you feel warm."

Sniper takes it into his shaking hands,"Th-Thanks, m-mate."He says.

Engineer gives him a single nod. You put your mug down and walk up to him. You look at him and hugged him. You didn't care if he was cold, you just wanted to hug him so he could feel warmer,"I'm sorry, Snipes. I should've let you be..."

Sniper wraps an arm around you,"Nah, sheila. Don't be. Oi deserve it for bein' such a wankah."He says. Your hug already made him feel warm.

"So? Can I continue with my tale?"Demoman asks.

"Yes!"Scout says.

Demoman continues with his story. You take Sniper by his hand and brought him over to the group and sat him down next to you.

After a while, all of you told stories, laughed, etc. Sniper looks at you, and you look at him. He had some hot chocolate on his lips. Then you thought of teasing him. You placed your lips onto his.

Sniper is shocked about this. You got the hot chocolate off of him and to top it off, you licked your chocolate covered lips.

Sniper them smirks as he crashed his lips onto yours. You are taken by surprise when he did this and then you kissed him back.

"Oh! Gross!"Scout says,"Go get a room!"

You and Sniper glare at him,"Shut up!"And continued to kiss while the other guys ignored you two.

A/N: I am so bad at writing. I am so bad with accents. I am so bad at everything in life. I'M STUPIIIIIIIID!

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