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Chapter Forty-One

One Month Later

Riley's POV

I was woken up at one in the morning when I got a pain in my stomach. I was a week overdue, but still thought nothing of it, but when I went to the bathroom I knew that this was it. My water broke as soon as I locked the bathroom door. I instantly unlocked it and headed straight back to the bedroom. Andy hadn't heard me get up and was still asleep. He looked so peaceful, I almost didn't want to wake him up, but I knew I couldn't just wait to wake up on his own. Tears streaming down my face, I shook him gently at first, but he simply stirred. I shook him again, slightly harder and he opened his eyes and looked up at me.

"Is everything okay?" He asked me, his look turning to one of worry when he really took me in. I was practically incapable of speaking, but I did manage to choke out something that was only small, but it conveyed my feelings.

"Andy, I'm scared" I admitted, by voice barely above a whisper. I couldn't tell if he had to strain to hear me, but I was beyond caring about being heard at the minute. I just wanted the pain to stop. I hadn't even been paying attention to anything around me and I was just now realising that Andy had pulled me into his arms.

"Why are you scared?" He asked. I desperately tried to figure out how I should phrase this? I always thought he would know when I was in labour straight away, but apparently not. By the way he froze before I said anything, I was guessing he had figured it out, but I still told him, so he could be sure.

"I'm having the baby" I cried as more pain greeted me. He looked at me with wide eyes as I wept in the pain.

"Fuck me. I'm going to get Jake" He said, jumping away from me and running out of the room. I watched as he disappeared round the corner and into Jake's room. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but they were taking too long. I tried my best to push myself off the bed, but that was proving to be a struggle. After what felt like hours, I finally managed to push myself off the bed and move over to Jake's room, every step feeling worse than the last. Jake was looking like he was lost as I cried. I expected this moment to be magical, but it was terrifying the life out of me. "Will you get Riley in the car?" I hated how they were talking about me as though I wasn't in the room, but I was in no mood to tell them off for it. Not now. Jake took my hand and led me out of the room, slowly since I could barely walk. I held onto Jake and the banister to try and get down the stairs it felt like I was taking forever, but I finally reached the bottom stair and walking got easier. Jake snatched up the car keys and unlocked the door before unlocking the car door.

"Jake, this hurts" I cried. He looked at me sadly, knowing he couldn't do anything to make it better, but knowing he would do anything to get to the hospital as quick as possible. He helped me sit down in the car before running back to the doorstep and shouting up the stairs.

"Andy, hurry the hell up" He called before returning to the car, jumping in the driver's seat. I waited for a moment before seeing Andy appear in the doorway, quickly turning to lock the door before he ran to the car and sat beside me. I grabbed onto his hand as I experienced another contraction. It was just as bad as the last one, if not worse, but Andy didn't even realise what I was doing since I was trying my best to make no noise.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. He may have only been asking me that because he was worried about me and wanted me to be safe, but it made me angry as hell for an unknown reason.

"Are you really asking me that?" I shouted, whimpering at the end of the sentence, taking all of the anger out of my voice. I could have sounded pretty threatening if pain hadn't attacked me at that moment.

"Jake, how long is it until we get to the hospital?" Andy asked. I could hear the fear in his voice and it made me get nervous. Andy was practically invincible. He had managed to keep it together when I had a miscarriage and he supported me through even when I pushed him away. What am I going to do when I can't turn to Andy for the calm attitude? Please say it's not long until we get to the hospital.

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